Sun Cluster Data Service for SWIFTAlliance Access Guide for Solaris OS

How to Install and Configure SWIFTAlliance Access

Use this procedure to install and configure SWIFTAlliance Access.

  1. Create the resources for SWIFTAlliance Access –

    • Create a resource group for SWIFTAlliance Access –

      # scrgadm -a -g swift-rg
    • Create a logical host – A logical host is required for DCE. Make sure that you add the hostname and IP address in the /etc/hosts file on both cluster nodes. Register the logical host and add it to the resource group.

      # scrgadm -a -L -g swift-rg -j swift-saa-lh-rs -l swift-lh
    • Create the device group and filesystem —Create a device group and a filesystem for SWIFTAlliance Access. See Sun Cluster 3.1 Software Installation Guide for instructions on how to create global filesystems.

    • Create an HAstoragePlus resource – Although one can use global storage, it is recommended to create a HAStoragePlus failover resource to contain the SWIFTAlliance Access application and configuration data.

      In the example we use /global/saadg/alliance as the path, but you are free to choose the location yourself.

      # scrgadm -a -g swift-rg \
      -j swift-ds \
      -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
      -x FilesystemMountPoints=/global/saadg/alliance
    • Bring the resource group online — Switch the resource group online to enable the IP address and access to the storage.

      # scswitch -Z -g swift-rg
    • Create configuration directory —Create configuration directory to hold SWIFTAlliance Access information and create a link from /usr

      # cd /global/saadg/alliance

      # mkdir swa

      # ln -s /global/saadg/alliance /usr/swa

  2. Install IBM DCE client software on all the nodes – IBM DCE client software is a prerequisite for SWIFTAlliance Access. It must be installed and configured before the SWIFTAlliance Access application.

    • Install IBM DCE client software — Use local disks to install this software. The software comes in Sun package format (IDCEclnt). As the installed files will reside at various locations on your system, it is not practical to have this installed on global filesystems. Be sure to install this software on both cluster nodes.

      # pkgadd -d ./IDCEclnt.pkg
    • Configure DCE client RPC

      # /opt/dcelocal/tcl/config.dce —cell_name swift —dce_hostname swift-lh RPC
    • Test DCE

      Run the tests on both nodes

      # /opt/dcelocal/tcl/start.dce

      Verify that the dced daemon is running

      # /opt/dcelocal/tcl/stop.dce
  3. Install SWIFTAlliance Access software —Use shared storage for the installation of this software. The installation procedure will modify system files and will also reboot the system. After the reboot, you must continue with the installation on the same node. You will have to repeat the installation of the software on the second node, but you must end the installation before the specification of the access codes.

  4. Additional configuration for SWIFTAlliance AccessTo enable clients to connect to the failover IP address, it is necessary to create a file named .alliance_ip_name on the data subdirectory of the SWIFTAlliance Access software. When you are using the same filesystem as shown in our examples, this directory will be/global/saadg/alliance/data. This file must contain the IP address of the logical host as configured within the SAA resource.