Sun Cluster Data Service for BroadVision One-To-One Enterprise Guide for Solaris OS

Example One – Installation and Configuration

This example illustrates how to install and configure the data service.

(Register the BroadVision resource type.)
phys-schost-1:> scrgadm -a -t 
(Create failover resource groups for the back-end and root host processes.)
phys-schost-1:> scrgadm -a -g root-host-resource-group
phys-schost-1:> scrgadm -a -g back-end-resource-group
(Create a scalable resource group for the Interaction Manager processes.)
phys-schost-1:> scrgadm -a -g im-resource-group -y Maximum_primaries=2 /
-y Desired_primaries=2

(Add logical hostnames to the failover resource groups.)
phys-schost-1:> scrgadm -a -L -g root-host-resource-group -l schost-1
phys-schost-1:> scrgadm -a -L -g back-end-resource-group -l schost-2

(Create root host, back-end, and Interaction Manager resources.)
phys-schost-1:> scrgadm -a -j root-host-resource -g root-host-resource-group / 
-t -x BVUSER=bvuser -x BV1TO1_VAR=/global/broadvision/bvuser/bt1to1_var
phys-schost-1:> scrgadm -a -j back-end-resource -g back-end-resource-group / 
-t -x BVUSER=bvuser -x BV1TO1_VAR=/global/broadvision/bvuser/bt1to1_var
phys-schost-1:> scrgadm -a -j im-resource -g im-resource-group -t / 
-x BVUSER=bvuser -x BV1TO1_VAR=/global/broadvision/bvuser/bt1to1_var

(Bring all of the resource groups online.)
phys-schost-1:> scswitch -Z -g root-host-resource-group
phys-schost-1:> scswitch -Z -g back-end-resource-group
phys-schost-1:> scswitch -Z -g im-resource-group