Sun Cluster Data Service for Oracle Application Server Guide for Solaris OS

Sun Cluster HA for Oracle Application Server Overview

The Sun Cluster HA for Oracle Application Server can be used to provide high availability for either the Oracle 9iAS Infrastructure or Oracle 10g AS Infrastructure.

Oracle 9iAS (version 9.0.2 and 9.0.3) and Oracle 10g AS (version 9.0.4) introduced a new component called “Oracle Infrastructure”. This infrastructure component provides centralized product metadata, security and management services, configuration information, and data repositories for middle tier installations.

The Sun Cluster HA for Oracle Application Server data service provides high availability for either the Oracle 9iAS Infrastructure or the Oracle 10g AS Infrastructure components. Additionally the Sun Cluster HA for Oracle is also required to provide high availability for the Oracle Database.

Table 1–2 Oracle Application Server Architecture

Middle Tier 

Infrastructure Tier 

Database Tier 

Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) 

Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) 

Metadata Repository  

J2EE Server (OC4J) 

J2EE Server (OC4J) 



LDAP Server (OID) 



Enterprise Manager (EM) 


The middle tier may be installed on multiple nodes to achieve high availability, however the infrastructure tier and database tier are installed onto one node and require more than one Sun Cluster Data Service to manage the infrastructure (requires the Sun Cluster HA for Oracle Application Server data service) and database tier (requires the Sun Cluster HA for Oracle data service).

Note –

The middle tier components listed in Table 1–2 only refer to those components installed through an Oracle Application Server installation. There are other Oracle Applications that qualify as middle tier compoenents, however these are not listed here.

Table 1–3 lists the Oracle 9iAS Infrastructure services and how they are managed by the Oracle components, which are then managed by the Sun Cluster HA for Oracle Application Server.

Table 1–3 Oracle 9iAS Infrastructure Components



Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)  

J2EE Server (OC4J) 

Oracle Process Management and Notification (OPMN) 

LDAP Server (OID) 

Oracle Internet Directory Monitor (OIDMON) and Process (OIDLDAP) 

Enterprise Manager (EM) 

Enterprise Manager (EM) 

Table 1–4 lists the Oracle 10g AS Infrastructure services and how they are managed by the Oracle components, which are then managed by the Sun Cluster HA for Oracle Application Server.

Table 1–4 Oracle 10g AS Infrastructure Components



Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)  

J2EE Server (OC4J) 

Oracle LDAP Server (OID) 

Oracle Process Management and Notification (OPMN) 

Enterprise Manager (EM) 

Enterprise Manager (EM)