Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS

Example of How to Configure Device Groups and Resource Groups

This chapter describes how disk device groups and resource groups were configured for an NFS application. The following table lists the names of the groups and resources that were created for the example configuration.

Table 6–2 Summary of the Groups and Resources in the Example Configuration

Group or Resource 



Disk device group 


The disk device group. 

Replication resource group and resources 


The replication resource group. 

lhost-reprg-prim, lhost-reprg-sec

The logical hostnames for the replication resource group on the primary cluster and the secondary cluster. 


The HAStoragePlus resource for the replication resource group.  

Application resource group and resources 


The application resource group. 

lhost-nfsrg-prim, lhost-nfsrg-sec

The logical hostnames for the application resource group on the primary cluster and the secondary cluster. 


The HAStoragePlus resource for the application. 


The NFS resource. 

With the exception of devicegroup-stor-rg, the names of the groups and resources are example names that can be changed as required. The replication resource group must have a name with the format devicegroup-stor-rg.

Configuring Disk Device Groups

This section describes how to configure a disk device group on the primary cluster and the secondary cluster. This example configuration uses VxVM software. For information about Solstice DiskSuite or Solaris Volume Manager software, see Chapter 3, Installing and Configuring Solstice DiskSuite or Solaris Volume Manager Software.

The following figure illustrates the volumes that were created in the disk device group.

Figure 6–8 Volumes for the Disk Device Group

Figure shows the volumes created in the disk device group.

Note –

The volumes defined in this section must not include disk label private areas, for example, cylinder 0. The VxVM software manages this constraint automatically.

How to Configure a Disk Device Group on the Primary Cluster
  1. Create a disk group that contains four volumes, volume 1 through volume 4.

    For information about configuring a disk group by using the VxVM software, see Chapter 4, SPARC: Installing and Configuring VERITAS Volume Manager.

  2. Access nodeA as superuser.

    nodeA is the first node of the primary cluster. For a reminder of which node is nodeA, see Figure 6–7.

  3. Configure the disk group to create a disk device group.

    nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scconf -a -D type=vxvm,name=devicegroup \

    The disk device group is called devicegroup.

  4. Start the disk device group.

    nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scswitch -z -D devicegroup -h nodeA
  5. Synchronize the disk device group with the Sun Cluster software.

    nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scconf -c -D name=devicegroup,sync
  6. Create the file system for the disk device group.

    nodeA# /usr/sbin/newfs /dev/vx/rdsk/devicegroup/vol01 < /dev/null
    nodeA# /usr/sbin/newfs /dev/vx/rdsk/devicegroup/vol02 < /dev/null
    nodeA# /usr/sbin/newfs /dev/vx/rdsk/devicegroup/vol03 < /dev/null
    nodeA# /usr/sbin/newfs /dev/vx/rdsk/devicegroup/vol04 < /dev/null
  7. Enable remote access between the nodes in the primary cluster and secondary cluster by adding the following entities to the /.rhosts file on nodeA and nodeB.

    nodeC +
    + root
How to Configure a Disk Device Group on the Secondary Cluster
  1. Follow the procedure in How to Configure a Disk Device Group on the Primary Cluster, with these exceptions:

    • Replace nodeA with nodeC.

    • Do not use nodeB.

    • In Step 3, include nodeC only in the node list. For example:

      nodeC# /usr/cluster/bin/scconf -a -D type=vxvm,name=devicegroup \
    • In Step 7, add the following entities to the /.rhosts file on nodeC only:

      nodeA +
      nodeB +
      + root

Configuring File Systems for the NFS Application

This section describes how the file systems were configured for the NFS application.

How to Configure the File System on the Primary Cluster for the NFS Application
  1. On nodeA and nodeB, create a mount point directory for the NFS file system.

    For example:

    nodeA# mkdir /global/mountpoint
  2. On nodeA and nodeB, configure the master volume to be mounted automatically on the mount point.

    Add or replace the following text to the /etc/vfstab file on nodeA and nodeB. The text must be on a single line.

    /dev/vx/dsk/devicegroup/vol01 /dev/vx/rdsk/devicegroup/vol01 \
    /global/mountpoint ufs 3 no global,logging

    For a reminder of the volumes names and volume numbers used in the disk device group, see Figure 6–8.

  3. On nodeA, create a volume for the file system information that is used by Sun StorEdge Availability Suite software.

    nodeA# /usr/sbin/vxassist -g devicegroup make vol05 120m disk1

    Volume 5 contains the file system information that is used by Sun StorEdge Availability Suite software.

  4. On nodeA, resynchronize the device group with the Sun Cluster software.

    nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scconf -c -D name=devicegroup,sync
  5. On nodeA, create the file system for volume 5.

    nodeA# /usr/sbin/newfs /dev/vx/rdsk/devicegroup/vol05
  6. On nodeA and nodeB, create a mount point for volume 5.

    For example:

    nodeA# mkdir /global/etc
  7. On nodeA and nodeB, configure volume 5 to be mounted automatically on the mount point.

    Add or replace the following text to the /etc/vfstab file on nodeA and nodeB. The text must be on a single line.

    /dev/vx/dsk/devicegroup/vol05 /dev/vx/rdsk/devicegroup/vol05 \
    /global/etc ufs 3 yes global,logging
  8. Mount volume 5 on nodeA.

    nodeA# mount /global/etc
  9. Make volume 5 accessible to remote systems.

    1. Create a directory called /global/etc/SUNW.nfs on nodeA.

      nodeA# mkdir -p /global/etc/SUNW.nfs
    2. Create the file /global/etc/SUNW.nfs/dfstab.nfs-rs on nodeA.

      nodeA# touch /global/etc/SUNW.nfs/dfstab.nfs-rs
    3. Add the following line to the /global/etc/SUNW.nfs/dfstab.nfs-rs file on nodeA:

      share -F nfs -o rw -d "HA NFS" /global/mountpoint
How to Configure the File System on the Secondary Cluster for the NFS Application

    Repeat the procedure in How to Configure the File System on the Primary Cluster for the NFS Application, with these exceptions:

    • Replace nodeA with nodeC.

    • Do not use nodeB.

Creating Replication Resource Groups

This section describes how a replication resource group was created on the primary cluster and on the secondary cluster.

How to Create a Replication Resource Group on the Primary Cluster
  1. Access nodeA as superuser.

  2. Register SUNW.HAStoragePlus as a resource type.

    nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scrgadm -a -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus
  3. Create a replication resource group for the disk device group.

    nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scrgadm -a -g devicegroup-stor-rg -h nodeA,nodeB

    The name of the disk device group.


    The name of the replication resource group.

    -h nodeA, nodeB

    Specifies the cluster nodes that can master the replication resource group.

  4. Add a SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource to the replication resource group.

    nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scrgadm -a -j devicegroup-stor \
    -g devicegroup-stor-rg -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
    -x GlobalDevicePaths=devicegroup \
    -x AffinityOn=True

    The HAStoragePlus resource for the replication resource group.

    -x GlobalDevicePaths=

    Specifies the extension property that Sun StorEdge Availability Suite software relies on.

    -x AffinityOn=True

    Specifies that the SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource must perform an affinity switchover for the global devices and cluster file systems defined by -x GlobalDevicePaths=. Therefore, when the replication resource group fails over or is switched over, the associated device group is switched over.

    For more information about these extension properties, see the SUNW.HAStoragePlus(5) man page.

  5. Add a logical hostname resource to the replication resource group.

    nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scrgadm -a -L \
    -j lhost-reprg-prim -g devicegroup-stor-rg -l lhost-reprg-prim

    Where lhost-reprg-prim is the logical hostname for the replication resource group on the primary cluster.

  6. Enable the resources, manage the resource group, and bring the resource group online.

    nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scswitch -Z -g devicegroup-stor-rg
    nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scswitch -z -g devicegroup-stor-rg -h nodeA
  7. Verify that the resource group is online.

    nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scstat -g

    Examine the resource group state field to confirm that the replication resource group is online for nodeA and nodeB.

How to Create a Replication Resource Group on the Secondary Cluster

    Repeat the procedure in How to Create a Replication Resource Group on the Primary Cluster, with these exceptions:

    • Replace nodeA with nodeC.

    • Do not use nodeB.

    • Replace references to lhost-reprg-prim with lhost-reprg-sec.

Creating Application Resource Groups

This section describes how application resource groups were created for an NFS application. The procedures in this section are specific to the application. The procedures cannot be used for another type of application.

How to Create an Application Resource Group on the Primary Cluster
  1. Access nodeA as superuser.

  2. Register SUNW.nfs as a resource type.

    nodeA# scrgadm -a -t SUNW.nfs
  3. If SUNW.HAStoragePlus has not been registered as a resource type, register it.

    nodeA# scrgadm -a -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus
  4. Create an application resource group for the devicegroup.

    nodeA# scrgadm -a -g nfs-rg \
    -y Pathprefix=/global/etc \
    -y Auto_start_on_new_cluster=False \
    -y RG_dependencies=devicegroup-stor-rg

    Is the name of the application resource group.


    Specifies a directory into which the resources in the group can write administrative files.


    Specifies that the application resource group is not started automatically.


    Specifies the resource groups that the application resource group depends on. In this example, the application resource group depends on the replication resource group.

    If the application resource group is switched over to a new primary node, the replication resource group is automatically switched over. However, if the replication resource group is switched over to a new primary node, the application resource group must be manually switched over.

  5. Add a SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource to the application resource group.

    nodeA# scrgadm -a -j nfs-dg-rs -g nfs-rg \
    -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
    -x FileSystemMountPoints=/global/mountpoint \
    -x AffinityOn=True

    Is the name of the HAStoragePlus resource for the NFS application.

    -x FileSystemMountPoints=/global/

    Specifies that the mount point for the file system is global.

    -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus

    Specifies that the resource is of the type SUNW.HAStoragePlus.

    -x AffinityOn=True

    Specifies that the application resource must perform an affinity switchover for the global devices and cluster file systems defined by -x GlobalDevicePaths=. Therefore, when the application resource group fails over or is switched over, the associated device group is switched over.

    For more information about these extension properties, see the SUNW.HAStoragePlus(5) man page.

  6. Add a logical hostname resource to the application resource group.

    nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scrgadm -a -L -j lhost-nfsrg-prim -g nfs-rg \
    -l lhost-nfsrg-prim

    Where lhost-nfsrg-prim is the logical hostname of the application resource group on the primary cluster.

  7. Enable the resources, manage the application resource group, and bring the application resource group online.

    1. Bring the HAStoragePlus resource for the NFS application online.

      nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scrgadm -a -g nfs-rg \
      -j nfs-rs -t SUNW.nfs -y Resource_dependencies=nfs-dg-rs
    2. Bring the application resource group online on nodeA .

      nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scswitch -Z -g nfs-rg
      nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scswitch -z -g nfs-rg -h nodeA
  8. Verify that the application resource group is online.

    nodeA# /usr/cluster/bin/scstat -g

    Examine the resource group state field to determine whether the application resource group is online for nodeA and nodeB.

How to Create an Application Resource Group on the Secondary Cluster
  1. Create the application group resource as described in Step 1 through Step 6 of How to Create an Application Resource Group on the Primary Cluster, with the following exceptions:

    • Replace nodeA with nodeC.

    • Ignore references to nodeB.

    • Replace references to lhost-nfsrg-prim with lhost-nfsrg-sec.

  2. Ensure that the application resource group does not come online on nodeC.

    nodeC# /usr/cluster/bin/scswitch -n -j nfs-rs
    nodeC# /usr/cluster/bin/scswitch -n -j nfs-dg-rs
    nodeC# /usr/cluster/bin/scswitch -n -j lhost-nfsrg-sec
    nodeC# /usr/cluster/bin/scswitch -z -g nfs-rg -h ""

    The resource group remains offline after a reboot, because Auto_start_on_new_cluster=False.

  3. If the global volume is mounted on the primary cluster, unmount the global volume from the secondary cluster.

    nodeC# umount /global/mountpoint

    If the volume is mounted on a secondary cluster, the synchronization fails.