Sun Cluster Handbuch Systemverwaltung für Solaris OS

Patching Sun Cluster Overview

Due to the nature of a cluster, all cluster member nodes must be at the same patch level for proper cluster operation. When patching a node with a Sun Cluster patch, you might need to temporarily remove a node from cluster membership or stop the entire cluster before installing the patch. This section describes these steps.

Before applying a Sun Cluster patch, check the Sun Cluster web page for any special instructions; for the current URL, see the Sun Cluster Release Notes for Solaris OS or contact Enterprise Services. If there aren't any special instructions, check the patch's README file.

Hinweis –

For Sun Cluster patches, always defer to the patch's README file for instructions that supersede procedures in this chapter.

Patch installation on all cluster nodes falls into one of the following scenarios:

Hinweis –

Underlying cluster protocols do not change due to a patch.

You use the patchadd command to apply a patch to the cluster, and patchrm to remove a patch (when possible).

Sun Cluster Patch Tips

Use the following tips to help you administer Sun Cluster patches more efficiently: