Sun Cluster 系统管理指南(适用于 Solaris OS)


sccheck(1M) 命令运行一组检查来验证群集正常运行所需的基本配置。如果所有检查均未失败,sccheck 将返回到 shell 提示符。如果某项检查失败,sccheck 将在指定输出目录或缺省输出目录中生成报告。如果对多个节点运行 scchecksccheck 将为每个节点和多个节点的检查分别生成一个报告。

sccheck 命令按以下两个步骤运行:数据收集和数据分析。数据收集可能会耗费较长的时间,具体时间取决于系统配置。您可以在详细模式下用 -v1 标志调用 sccheck 来打印进度信息,还可以在高度详细模式下用 -v2 标志运行 sccheck 来打印较为详细的进度信息(尤其是在收集数据的过程中)。

注意 –

在执行可能导致设备、卷管理组件或 Sun Cluster 的配置发生更改的管理过程之后,都应运行 sccheck

  1. 成为群集中任一节点上的超级用户。

    % su
  2. 检验群集配置。

     # sccheck


以下示例显示了针对节点 phys-schost-1phys-schost-2 在详细模式下运行的 sccheck,其中节点通过了所有检查。

# sccheck -v1 -h phys-schost-1,phys-schost-2
sccheck: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-1.
sccheck: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-2.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Explorer finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Starting single-node checks.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Single-node checks finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Explorer finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Starting single-node checks.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Single-node checks finished.
sccheck: Starting multi-node checks.
sccheck: Multi-node checks finished


以下示例显示了群集 suncluster 中缺少安装点 /global/phys-schost-1 的节点 phys-schost-2。报告在输出目录 /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports/ 中被创建。

# sccheck -v1 -h phys-schost-1,phys-schost-2 -o /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports
sccheck: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-1.
sccheck: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-2.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Explorer finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Starting single-node checks.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Single-node checks finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Explorer finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Starting single-node checks.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Single-node checks finished.
sccheck: Starting multi-node checks.
sccheck: Multi-node checks finished.
sccheck: One or more checks failed.
sccheck: The greatest severity of all check failures was 3 (HIGH).
sccheck: Reports are in /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports.
# cat /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports/sccheck-results.suncluster.txt
CHECK ID : 3065
FAILURE  : Global filesystem /etc/vfstab entries are not consistent across 
all Sun Cluster 3.x nodes.
ANALYSIS : The global filesystem /etc/vfstab entries are not consistent across 
all nodes in this cluster.
Analysis indicates:
FileSystem '/global/phys-schost-1' is on 'phys-schost-1' but missing from 'phys-schost-2'.
RECOMMEND: Ensure each node has the correct /etc/vfstab entry for the 
filesystem(s) in question.