Sun Cluster Entwicklerhandbuch Datendienste für Solaris OS


Hinweis –

Die NVPAIR-Datenstruktur, die sowohl von SC_CALLBACK_REG als auch von SC_EVENT verwendet wird, wird nur einmal definiert.

<!— SC_EVENT XML format specification

        Copyright 2001-2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
        Use is subject to license terms.

        The root element of the XML document is intended to be a direct, generic,
        translation of the Solaris syseventd message format.  It has attributes to
        represent the class, subclass, vendor, and publisher, and contains any number of
        NVPAIR elements.

                VERSION:        The CRNP protocol version of the message.
                CLASS:          The sysevent class of the event
                SUBCLASS:       The subclass of the event
                VENDOR:         The vendor associated with the event
                PUBLISHER:      The publisher of the event
                SUBELEMENTS: NVPAIR (0 or more)

        VERSION        NMTOKEN        #FIXED "1.0"
        CLASS          CDATA          #REQUIRED
        SUBCLASS       CDATA          #REQUIRED
        VENDOR         CDATA          #REQUIRED
        PUBLISHER      CDATA          #REQUIRED