Solaris OS용 Sun Cluster 데이터 서비스 개발 안내서

Start 메소드

데이터 서비스 자원을 포함하는 자원 그룹이 클러스터 노드에서 온라인 상태가 되거나 자원이 사용 가능하게 될 경우 RGM은 해당 노드에서 Start 메소드를 호출합니다. 샘플 응용 프로그램에서 Start 메소드는 해당 노드에서 in.named (DNS) 데몬을 활성화합니다.

예 B–2 dns_svc_start 메소드

# Start Method for HA-DNS.
# This method starts the data service under the control of PMF. Before starting
# the in.named process for DNS, it performs some sanity checks. The PMF tag for
# the data service is $RESOURCE_NAME.named. PMF tries to start the service a
# specified number of times (Retry_count) and if the number of attempts exceeds
# this value within a specified interval (Retry_interval) PMF reports a failure
# to start the service. Retry_count and Retry_interval are both properties of the
# resource set in the RTR file.

#pragma ident   “@(#)dns_svc_start   1.1   00/05/24 SMI”

# Parse program arguments.
function parse_args # [args ...]
        typeset opt

        while getopts `R:G:T:' opt
                case “$opt” in
                        # Name of the DNS resource.
                        # Name of the resource group in which the resource is
                        # configured.
                        # Name of the resource type.

                    logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err \
                    “ERROR: Option $OPTARG unknown”
                     exit 1




export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/cluster/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/proc/bin:$PATH

# Obtain the syslog facility to use to log messages.

# Parse the arguments that have been passed to this method
parse_args “$@”


# Get the value of the Confdir property of the resource in order to start 
# DNS. Using the resource name and the resource group entered, find the value of
# Confdir value set by the cluster administrator when adding theresource. 
config_info=scha_resource_get -O Extension -R $RESOURCE_NAME \
# scha_resource_get returns the “type” as well as the “value” for the extension
# properties. Get only the value of the extension property.
CONFIG_DIR=`echo $config_info | awk `{print $2}'`

# Check if $CONFIG_DIR is accessible.
if [ ! -d $CONFIG_DIR ]; then
   logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err -t [$SYSLOG_TAG] \
       “${ARGV0} Directory $CONFIG_DIR missing or not mounted”
   exit 1

# Change to the $CONFIG_DIR directory in case there are relative
# path names in the data files.

# Check that the named.conf file is present in the $CONFIG_DIR directory.
if [ ! -s named.conf ]; then
   logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err -t [$SYSLOG_TAG] \
       “${ARGV0} File $CONFIG_DIR/named.conf is missing or empty”
   exit 1

# Get the value for Retry_count from the RTR file.
RETRY_CNT=`scha_resource_get -O Retry_Count -R $RESOURCE_NAME \

# Get the value for Retry_interval from the RTR file. Convert this value, which is in
# seconds, to minutes for passing to pmfadm. Note that this is a conversion with 
# round-up, for example, 50 seconds rounds up to one minute.
((RETRY_INTRVAL = `scha_resource_get -O Retry_Interval -R $RESOURCE_NAME \

# Start the in.named daemon under the control of PMF. Let it crash and restart
# up to $RETRY_COUNT times in a period of $RETRY_INTERVAL; if it crashes
# more often than that, PMF will cease trying to restart it. If there is a 
# process already registered under the tag <$PMF_TAG>, then, PMF sends out
# an alert message that the process is already running.
echo “Retry interval is “$RETRY_INTRVAL
pmfadm -c $PMF_TAG.named -n $RETRY_CNT -t $RETRY_INTRVAL \
    /usr/sbin/in.named -c named.conf

# Log a message indicating that HA-DNS has been started.
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
   logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.info -t [$SYSLOG_TAG] \
           “${ARGV0} HA-DNS successfully started”
exit 0