Sun Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide for Solaris OS

Administrative Support Methods

Administrative actions on resources include setting and changing resource properties. The Validate and Update callback methods enable a resource type implementation to carry out these administrative actions.


The RGM calls this optional method when a resource is created and when the cluster administrator updates the properties of the resource or its containing resource group. This method is called on the set of cluster nodes that are identified by the Init_nodes property of the resource's type. Validate is called before the creation or the update is applied. A failure exit code from the method on any node causes the creation or the update to be canceled.

Validate is called only when resource or resource group properties are changed by the cluster administrator, not when the RGM sets properties, or when a monitor sets the Status and Status_msg resource properties.


The RGM runs this optional method to notify a running resource that properties have been changed. The RGM runs Update after an administrative action succeeds in setting properties of a resource or its group. This method is called on nodes where the resource is online. The method uses the API access functions to read property values that might affect an active resource and to adjust the running resource accordingly.

Note –

Failure of the Update method causes the syslog() function to generate an error message. However, management of the resource by the RGM is not otherwise affected.