Sun Cluster Data Service for N1 Grid Service Provisioning System for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Verify the Installation and Configuration of N1 Grid Service Provisioning System Local Distributor

This procedure is for the installation verification of the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System Local Distributor.

  1. Start the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System Local Distributor.

    Switch to the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System Remote Agents user name (in the following example, it is sps) and change to the directory the software is located. In the following example the software version is 4.1.

    Note –

    The output messages of the start and shutdown commands are highly version dependent.

     # su -  sps
    $ cd N1_Service_Provisioning_System
    $cd ld/bin
    $./cr_ld start
    *** Starting cr_ld
  2. Check the Installation

    Check the process table with the following command:

    $ /usr/ucb/ps -auxww |grep java|grep ld>/dev/null;echo $?

    If the response is 0, everything is working correctly. You may omit the |grep ld>/dev/null;echo $? in this case you have to see a java process with ld in the process string.

  3. Stop the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System Local Distributor.

     $ ./cr_ld stop
    *** Stopping cr_ld