Sun Cluster 3.1 8/05 Release Notes for Solaris OS

scinstall Does Not Copy All Common Agent Container Security Files (6203133)

Problem Summary: When a node is added to a cluster, the scinstall utility checks for the presence of Network Security Services (NSS) files on the node that you are adding. These files and security keys are required by the common agent container. If the NSS files exist, the utility copies the common agent container security files from the sponsoring node to the added node. But if the sponsoring node does not have the NSS security keys installed, the copy fails and scinstall processing quits.

Workaround: Perform the following procedure to install NSS software, recreate the security keys, and restart the common agent container on the existing cluster nodes.

ProcedureHow to Install NSS Software When Adding a Node to a Cluster

Perform the following procedure on all existing cluster nodes as superuser or a role that permits the appropriate access.

Before You Begin

Have available the Sun Cluster 1 of 2 CD-ROM. The NSS packages are located at /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_arch/Product/shared_components/Packages/, where arch is sparc or x86 and where ver is 8 for Solaris 8, 9 for Solaris 9, or 10 for Solaris 10.

  1. On each node, stop the Sun Web Console agent.

    # /usr/sbin/smcwebserver stop
  2. On each node, stop the security file agent.

    # /opt/SUNWcacao/bin/cacaoadm stop
  3. On each node, determine whether NSS packages are installed and, if so, what version.

    # cat /var/sadm/pkg/SUNWtls/pkginfo | grep SUNW_PRODVERS
  4. If a version earlier than 3.9.4 is installed, remove the existing NSS packages.

    # pkgrm packages

    The following table lists the applicable packages for each hardware platform.

    Hardware Platform 

    NSS Package Names 


    SUNWtls SUNWtlsu SUNWtlsx


    SUNWtls SUNWtlsu

  5. On each node, if you removed NSS packages or none were installed, install the latest NSS packages from the Sun Cluster 1 of 2 CD-ROM.

    • For the Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 OS, use the following command:

      # pkgadd -d . packages
    • For the Solaris 10 OS, use the following command:

      # pkgadd -G -d . packages
  6. Change to a directory that does not reside on the CD-ROM and eject the CD-ROM.

    # eject cdrom
  7. On each node, create the NSS security keys.

    # /opt/SUNWcacao/bin/cacaoadm create-keys
  8. On each node, start the security file agent.

    # /opt/SUNWcacao/bin/cacaoadm start
  9. On each node, start the Sun Web Console agent.

    # /usr/sbin/smcwebserver start
  10. On the node that you are adding to the cluster, restart the scinstall utility and follow procedures to install the new node.