Sun Cluster 3.1 8/05 Release Notes for Solaris OS

HA-NFS Changes to Support NFSv4 Fix for 6244819 (6251676)

Problem Summary: NFSv4 is not supported in Sun Cluster 3.1 8/05.

Workaround: Solaris 10 introduces a new version of NFS protocol, NFSv4. This is the default protocol for Solaris 10 clients and server. The Sun Cluster 3.1 8/05 release supports Solaris 10, however it does not support use of NFSv4 protocol with Sun Cluster HA for NFS service on the cluster to achieve high-availability for NFS server. To make sure no NFS client can use NFSv4 protocol to talk to NFS server on Sun Cluster software, edit the /etc/default/nfs file to change the line NFS_SERVER_VERSMAX=4 to NFS_SERVER_VERSMAX=3. This would make sure that only NFSv3 protocol is used by the clients of Sun Cluster HA for NFS service on the cluster.

NOTE: Use of Solaris 10 cluster nodes as NFSv4 clients is not affected by this restriction and the above mentioned workaround. The cluster nodes can act as NFSv4 clients.