Sun Cluster 3.1 8/05 Release Notes for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Use the Negative Affinity Option of RG_affinities

  1. Remove the dependency of the critical resource on the SUNW.RGOffload resource.

    # scrgadm -cj critical-rs -y Resource_dependencies=""
  2. Remove the SUNW.RGOffload resource and resource type.

    # scrgadm -nj rgofl
    # scrgadm -rj rgofl
    # scrgadm -rt SUNW.RGOffload
  3. Change the non-critical resource group property to have a negative affinity towards the critical resource group (which contains critical-rs).

    # scrgadm -c -g non-critical-rg -y RG_affinities=--critical-rg

    Note –

    This example shows only a strong negative affinity. You may be able to set weak negative affinity, and other type of dependencies across online resource groups. Please refer to Distributing Online Resource Groups Among Cluster Nodes in Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OSfor details on configuring online resource group dependencies feature.