Sun Cluster Entwicklerhandbuch Datendienste für Solaris OS

Code der xfnts_update-Methode

RGM ruft die Update-Methode auf, um eine laufende Ressource von der Änderung ihrer Eigenschaften zu benachrichtigen. RGM führt Update auf, nachdem eine Verwaltungsaktion die Eigenschaften einer Ressource oder ihrer Gruppe erfolgreich ausführt.

Beispiel C–8 xfnts_update.c

#pragma ident "@(#)xfnts_update.c  1.10     01/01/18 SMI"

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * xfnts_update.c - Update method for HA-XFS

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <rgm/libdsdev.h>

 * Some of the resource properties might have been updated. All such
 * updatable properties are related to the fault monitor. Hence, just
 * restarting the monitor should be enough.

main(int argc, char *argv[])
   scds_handle_t   scds_handle;
   scha_err_t   result;

   /* Process the arguments passed by RGM and initialize syslog */
   if (scds_initialize(&scds_handle, argc, argv) != SCHA_ERR_NOERR)
      scds_syslog(LOG_ERR, “Failed to initialize the handle.”);
      return (1);

    * check if the Fault monitor is already running and if so stop and
    * restart it. The second parameter to scds_pmf_restart_fm() uniquely
    * identifies the instance of the fault monitor that needs to be
    * restarted.

   scds_syslog(LOG_INFO, “Restarting the fault monitor.”);
   result = scds_pmf_restart_fm(scds_handle, 0);
   if (result != SCHA_ERR_NOERR) {
          “Failed to restart fault monitor.”);
      /* Free up all the memory allocated by scds_initialize */
      return (1);

       “Completed successfully.”);

   /* Free up all the memory allocated by scds_initialize */

   return (0);