Sun Cluster 数据服务开发者指南(适用于 Solaris OS)


最后一步是解析和处理实际的回调事件。要帮助完成此任务,需要修改在“如何生成 XML”中创建的 Event 类,以使该类能够从 XML 文档构建 Event 并创建 XML Element。此更改需要使用其他构造函数(获取 XML 文档)、retrieveValues 方法、添加两个成员变量(vendorpublisher)、所有字段的访问程序方法,最后,还需要打印方法。

  1. 创建实现上述逻辑的 Java 代码。

    请注意,此代码与“如何解析注册回复”中说明的 RegReply 类的代码类似。

    public Event(Document doc)
                    nvpairs = new Vector();
            public void print(PrintStream out)
                    out.println("\tCLASS=" + regClass);
                    out.println("\tSUBCLASS=" + regSubclass);
                    out.println("\tVENDOR=" + vendor);
                    out.println("\tPUBLISHER=" + publisher);
                    for (int i = 0; i < nvpairs.size(); i++) {
                            NVPair tempNv = (NVPair)
            private void retrieveValues(Document doc)
                    Node n;
                    NodeList nl;
                    String nodeName;
                    // Find the SC_EVENT element.
                    nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("SC_EVENT");
                    if (nl.getLength() != 1) {
                       System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
                           + "SC_EVENT node.");
                    n = nl.item(0);
                    // Retrieve the values of the CLASS, SUBCLASS,
                    // VENDOR and PUBLISHER attributes.
                    regClass = ((Element)n).getAttribute("CLASS");
                    regSubclass = ((Element)n).getAttribute("SUBCLASS");
                    publisher = ((Element)n).getAttribute("PUBLISHER");
                    vendor = ((Element)n).getAttribute("VENDOR");
                    // Retrieve all the nv pairs
                    for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
                        child = child.getNextSibling())
                           nvpairs.add(new NVPair((Element)child));
            public String getRegClass()
                    return (regClass);
            public String getSubclass()
                    return (regSubclass);
            public String getVendor()
                    return (vendor);
            public String getPublisher()
                    return (publisher);
            public Vector getNvpairs()
                    return (nvpairs);
            private String vendor, publisher;
  2. 实现用于支持 XML 解析的 NVPair 类的其他构造函数和方法。

    Event 类的更改(如步骤 1 所述)需要对 NVPair 类进行类似的更改。

    public NVPair(Element elem)
            public void print(PrintStream out)
                    out.println("NAME=" + name + " VALUE=" + value);
            private void retrieveValues(Element elem)
                    Node n;
                    NodeList nl;
                    String nodeName;
                    // Find the NAME element
                    nl = elem.getElementsByTagName("NAME");
                    if (nl.getLength() != 1) {
                       System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
                           + "NAME node.");
                    // Get the TEXT section
                    n = nl.item(0).getFirstChild();
                    if (n == null || n.getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                       System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
                           + "TEXT section.");
                    // Retrieve the value
                    name = n.getNodeValue();
                    // Now get the value element
                    nl = elem.getElementsByTagName("VALUE");
                    if (nl.getLength() != 1) {
                       System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
                           + "VALUE node.");
                    // Get the TEXT section
                    n = nl.item(0).getFirstChild();
                    if (n == null || n.getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                    System.out.println("Error in parsing: can't find "
                                + "TEXT section.");
                    // Retrieve the value
                    value = n.getNodeValue();
            public String getName()
                    return (name);
            public String getValue()
                    return (value);
  3. 实现 EventReceptionThread 中的 while 循环,它将等待事件回调。

    如何定义事件接收线程”中介绍了 EventReceptionThread

    while(true) {
                    Socket sock = listeningSock.accept();
                    Document doc = db.parse(sock.getInputStream());
                    Event event = new Event(doc);