Sun Cluster Data Service for Solaris Containers ガイド

sczbt_config の一覧表示

# Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
# This file will be sourced in by sczbt_register and the parameters
# listed below will be used.
# These parameters can be customized in (key=value) form
#               RS - Name of the resource
#               RG - Name of the resource group containing RS
#     PARAMETERDIR - Name of the parameter file direcrory
#       SC_NETWORK - Identfies if SUNW.LogicalHostname will be used
#                       true = zone will use SUNW.LogicalHostname 
#                      false = zone will use it's own configuration 
#       The configuration of a zone's network addresses depends on
#         whether you require IPMP protection or protection against
#         the failure of all physical interfaces.
#       If you require only IPMP protection, configure the zone's 
#         addresses by using the zonecfg utility and then place the
#         zone's address in an IPMP group. 
#               To configure this option set 
#                 SC_NETWORK=false
#                 SC_LH=
#       If IPMP protection is not required, just configure the 
#         zone's addresses by using the zonecfg utility. 
#               To configure this option set 
#                 SC_NETWORK=false
#                 SC_LH=
#       If you require protection against the failure of all physical
#         interfaces, choose one option from the following list. 
#       - If you want the SUNW.LogicalHostName resource type to manage
#           the zone's addresses, configure a SUNW.LogicalHostName
#           resource with at least one of the zone's addresses. 
#               To configure this option set 
#                 SC_NETWORK=true
#                 SC_LH=<Name of the SC Logical Hostname resource>
#       - Otherwise, configure the zone's addresses by using the 
#           zonecfg utility and configure a redundant IP address
#           for use by a SUNW.LogicalHostName resource. 
#               To configure this option set 
#                 SC_NETWORK=false
#                 SC_LH=<Name of the SC Logical Hostname resource>
#       Whichever option is chosen, multiple zone addresses can be 
#         used either in the zone's configuration or using several
#         SUNW.LogicalHostname resources.
#          e.g. SC_NETWORK=true
#               SC_LH=zone1-lh1,zone1-lh2
#            SC_LH - Name of the SC Logical Hostname resource
#         FAILOVER - Identifies if the zone's zone path is on a 
#                      highly available local file system
#         e.g.  FAILOVER=true - highly available local file system
#               FAILOVER=false - local file system
#           HAS_RS - Name of the HAStoragePlus SC resource


# The following variable will be placed in the parameter file
# Parameters for sczbt (Zone Boot)
# Zonename      Name of the zone
# Zonebootopt   Zone boot options 
# Milestone     SMF Milestone which needs to be online 
#                before the zone is considered booted
# Note: Zonebootopt="-s" requires Milestone=single-user
