Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Installation Guide

ProcedureHow to Install the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software by Using the Text-Based Interface

Before You Begin

Before you begin to install software, make the following preparations:

Follow these guidelines to use the interactive installer utility in this procedure:

  1. To use the installer utility with a text-based interface, become superuser on the cluster where you intend to install the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software.

    Note –

    The Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software must be installed on all nodes of a cluster.

    % su
  2. Insert the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.

  3. Change to the root directory of the CD-ROM, where the installer utility resides.

    # cd cd-root/Solaris_sparc/Product/sun_cluster_geo
  4. Start the installer utility by using the -nodisplay option to indicate that you want to use the text-based interface.

    # ./installer -nodisplay
  5. Follow the instructions on the installer pages to install the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition framework software on the cluster.

    After the installation is finished, you can view any available installation log.

    To exit the installer at any time, type the ! character.

  6. Choose Typical or Custom installation.

    The Typical installation installs the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition data replication as well as the core components of the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software.

    The Custom installation installs the core components of the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software.

  7. Choose the locale for the software.

    The languages you choose will be installed for all the components you select. Each language causes additional packages to be installed, which adds to the disk space that is required for installation. English is always installed.

  8. If you chose the Custom installation, select the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition data replication you want to install.

  9. Confirm that you have selected all the software components you want to install.

  10. Change to a directory that does not reside on the CD-ROM and eject the CD-ROM.

    # eject cdrom