Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide

Creating a Protection Group While the Application Is Online

To add an existing application resource group to a new protection group without taking the application offline, complete the following steps on the cluster where the application resource group is online.

Complete the following steps on the other cluster.

Example 7–1 Creating a Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2.1 Protection Group While the Application Remains Online

This example describes how to create a protection group without taking the application offline.

In this example, the apprg1 resource group is online on the cluster-paris cluster.

  1. Create the protection group on cluster-paris.

    First, on a node of the cluster where an application resource group is already running, check and fix any Nodelist inconsistencies that may exist between the resource group and the device group with which the resource group has affinities. Then, create the protection group with a matching Nodelist.

    phys-paris-1# scrgadm -pvv -g apprg1 | grep Nodelist
    (apprg1) Res Group Nodelist:   phys-paris-1 phys-paris-2
    phys-paris-1# scconf -pvv | grep "avsdg.*group node list"
    (avsdg) Device group node list: phys-paris-2, phys-paris-1

    The node list of the device group is in a different order from the resource group's Nodelist. The order of the device group's node list is changed as follows:

    phys-paris-1# scconf -c -D name=avsdg,nodelist=phys-paris-1:phys-paris-2

    You can also change the node list of a resource group to meet this requirement.

    The protection group is created with a Nodelist identical to the Nodelist of the resource group and device group:

    phys-paris-1# geopg create -d avs -p Nodelist=phys-paris-1,phys-paris-2 \
    -o Primary -s paris-newyork-ps avspg
    phys-paris-1# Protection group "avspg" has been successfully created
  2. Add the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2.1 device group, avsdg, to the protection group.

    phys-paris-1# geopg add-device-group -p Local_logical_host=lh-paris-1 \
    -p Remote_logical_host=lh-newyork-1 -p Enable_volume_set=True avsdg avspg
  3. Verify that the data replication resource groups and the light weight resource groups have been created and brought online. Also, verify that the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2.1 volume set has been enabled, because the Enable-volume-set property has been set to True.

    phys-paris-1# dsstat 
    name             t      s       pct     role    ckps    dkps    tps    svt 
    /avsdg/rdsk/d100 P      L      100.00   net      -       0       0      0 
    /avsdg/rdsk/d101                        bmp      0       0       0      0 
    phys-paris-1# scstat -g
    -- Resource Groups and Resources --  
           Group Name              Resources 				      
           ----------              --------- 
    Resources: geo-clusterstate     - 
    Resources: geo-infrastructure  geo-clustername geo-hbmonitor geo-failovercontrol 
    Resources: avsdg-stor-rg       lh-paris-1 avsdg-stor
    Resources: avspg-rep-rg        avsdg-rep-rs 
    Resources: apprg1              avs-lh avs-stor avs-server-res avs-listener-res  
    -- Resource Groups -- 
                Group Name             Node Name      State
                ----------             ---------      ----- 
    Group: geo-clusterstate          phys-paris-1     Online
    Group: geo-clusterstate          phys-paris-2     Online 
    Group: geo-infrastructure        phys-paris-1     Online 
    Group: geo-infrastructure        phys-paris-2     Offline
    Group: avsdg-stor-rg             phys-paris-1     Online
    Group: avsdg-stor-rg             phys-paris-2     Offline 
    Group: avspg-rep-rg              phys-paris-1     Online
    Group: avspg-rep-rg              phys-paris-2     Offline 
    Group: apprg1                    phys-paris-1     Online
    Group: apprg1                    phys-paris-2     Offline
    -- Resources--  
    Resource Name		            Node Name      State    Status Message 
    -------------                 ---------      ------   --------------- 
    Resource: geo-clustername     phys-paris-1  Online    Online - \
    LogicalHostname online 
    Resource: geo-clustername     phys-paris-2  Offline   Offline - \
    LogicalHostname offline  
    Resource: geo-hbmonitor       phys-paris-1  Online    Online - \
    Daemon OK 
    Resource: geo-hbmonitor       phys-paris-2  Offline   Offline
    Resource: geo-failovercontrol phys-paris-1  Online    Online 
    Resource: geo-failovercontrol phys-paris-2  Offline   Offline
    Resource: lh-paris-1          phys-paris-1  Online    Online - \
    LogicalHostname online 
    Resource: lh-paris-1          phys-paris-2  Offline   Offline 
    Resource: avsdg-stor          phys-paris-1  Online    Online 
    Resource: avsdg-stor          phys-paris-2  Offline   Offline
    Resource: avsdg-rep-rs        phys-paris-1  Online    Degraded - \
    Resource: avsdg-rep-rs        phys-paris-2  Offline   Offline 
    Resource: avs-lh              phys-paris-1  Online    Online - \
    LogicalHostname online
    Resource: avs-lh              phys-paris-2  Offline   Offline
    Resource: avs-server-res      phys-paris-1  Online    Online 
    Resource: avs-server-res      phys-paris-2  Offline   Offline
    Resource: avs-listener-res    phys-paris-1  Online    Online 
    Resource: avs-listener-res    phys-paris-2  Offline   Offline
  4. Activate the protection group locally.

    phys-paris-1# geopg start-e local avspg
    Processing operation.... this may take a while....
    Protection group "avspg" successfully started.
  5. Add an application resource group that is already online to the protection group.

    phys-paris-1# geopg add-resource-group apprg1 avspg
    Following resource groups were successfully inserted:

    Verify that the application resource group was added successfully.

    phys-paris-1# geoadm status
    Cluster: cluster-paris
       Partnership "paris-newyork-ps"      : OK
          Partner clusters                    : newyork
          Synchronization                     : OK
          Heartbeat "hb_cluster-paris~cluster-newyork" monitoring \
    "paris-newyork-ps" OK 
             Plug-in "ping-plugin"            : Inactive
             Plug-in "icrm_plugin"            : OK
             Plug-in "tcp_udp_plugin"         : OK
       Protection group "avspg"               : Unknown
          Partnership                         : paris-newyork-ps
          Synchronization                     : Error
          Cluster cluster-paris               : Degraded
             Role                             : Primary
             Activation State                 : Activated
             Configuration                    : OK
             Data replication                 : Degraded
             Resource groups                  : OK
          Cluster cluster-newyork             : Unknown
             Role                             : Unknown
             Activation State                 : Unknown
             Configuration                    : Unknown
             Data Replication                 : Unknown
             Resource Groups                  : Unknown
  6. On one node of the partner cluster, retrieve the protection group as follows:

    phys-newyork-1# geopg get -s paris-newyork-ps avspg
    Protection group "avspg" has been successfully created.
  7. Verify that the data replication resource groups and the light weight resource groups have been created and brought online as follows:

    phys-newyork-1# dsstat
    name                  t  s   pct    role   ckps   dkps   tps   svt
    /avsdg/rdsk/d100      S  L  100.00  net     -      0      0     0
    /avsdg/rdsk/d101                    bmp     0      0      0     0
    phys-newyork-1# scstat -g
    -- Resource Groups and Resources --
        Group Name                  Resources
        ----------                  --------- 
    Resources: geo-clusterstate         -
    Resources: geo-infrastructure  geo-clustername geo-hbmonitor \
    Resources: avsdg-stor-rg       lh-newyork-1 avsdg-stor
    Resources: avspg-rep-rg        avsdg-rep-rs
    Resources: apprg1              avs-lh avs-stor avs-server-res avs-listener-res 
    -- Resource Groups --
         Group Name                  Node Name        State
         ----------                  ---------        -----
    Group: geo-clusterstate	         phys-newyork-1   Online
    Group: geo-clusterstate          phys-newyork-2   Online
    Group: geo-infrastructure        phys-newyork-1   Online
    Group: geo-infrastructure        phys-newyork-2   Offline
    Group: avsdg-stor-rg             phys-newyork-1   Online
    Group: avsdg-stor-rg             phys-newyork-2   Offline
    Group: avspg-rep-rg              phys-newyork-1   Online
    Group: avspg-rep-rg              phys-newyork-2   Offline
    Group: apprg1                    phys-newyork-1   Unmanaged
    Group: apprg1                    phys-newyork-2   Unmanaged
    -- Resources --
    Resource Name                 Node Name       State     Status Message
    -------------                 ---------       ------    ---------------
    Resource: geo-clustername     phys-newyork-1  Online    Online - \
    LogicalHostname online
    Resource: geo-clustername     phys-newyork-2  Offline   Offline - \
    LogicalHostname offline
    Resource: geo-hbmonitor       phys-newyork-1  Online    Online - Daemon OK
    Resource: geo-hbmonitor       phys-newyork-2  Offline   Offline
    Resource: geo-failovercontrol phys-newyork-1  Online    Online
    Resource: geo-failovercontrol phys-newyork-2  Offline   Offline
    Resource: lh-newyork-1        phys-newyork-1  Online    Online - \
    LogicalHostname online
    Resource: lh-newyork-1        phys-newyork-2  Offline   Offline
    Resource: avsdg-stor          phys-newyork-1  Offline   Offline
    Resource: avsdg-stor          phys-newyork-2  Offline   Offline
    Resource: avsdg-rep-rs        phys-newyork-1  Online    Degraded - Logging
    Resource: avsdg-rep-rs        phys-newyork-2  Offline   Offline
    Resource: avs-lh              phys-newyork-1  Offline   Offline
    Resource: avs-lh              phys-newyork-2  Offline   Offline
    Resource: avs-server-res      phys-newyork-1  Offline   Offline
    Resource: avs-server-res      phys-newyork-2  Offline   Offline
    Resource: avs-listener-res    phys-newyork-1  Offline   Offline
    Resource: avs-listener-res    phys-newyork-2  Offline   Offline
  8. Activate the protection group locally on the partner cluster.

    phys-newyork-1# geopg start -e local avspg
    Processing operation.... this may take a while....
    Protection group "avspg" successfully started.
  9. Verify that the protection group was successfully created an activated.

    Running the geoadm status command on cluster-parisproduces the following output:

    phys-paris-1# geoadm status
    Cluster: cluster-paris
    Partnership "paris-newyork-ps": OK
      Partner clusters    : cluster-newyork
      Synchronization     : OK
      Heartbeat "paris-to-newyork" monitoring "cluster-newyork": OK
         Heartbeat plug-in "ping_plugin"   : Inactive
         Heartbeat plug-in "icrm_plugin"   : OK
         Heartbeat plug-in "tcp_udp_plugin": OK
    Protection group "tcpg"  : OK
      Partnership            : "paris-newyork-ps"
      Synchronization        : OK      
      Cluster cluster-paris   : OK
         Role                 : Primary
         PG activation state  : Activated
         Configuration        : OK
         Data replication     : OK
         Resource groups      : OK
      Cluster cluster-newyork : OK
         Role                 : Secondary
         PG activation state  : Activated
         Configuration        : OK
         Data replication     : OK    
         Resource groups      : OK