Sun Cluster Geographic Edition 3.1 8/05 Release Notes

ProcedureHow to Enable the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2.1 dscfglockd Daemon Process

  1. Ensure that the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2.1 product has been installed as instructed in the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2.1 product documentation.

  2. Ensure that the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2.1 product has been patched with the latest patches available on SunSolve at

  3. Create a copy of the /etc/init.d/scm file.

    # cp /etc/init.d/scm /etc/init.d/scm.original
  4. Edit the/etc/init.d/scm file.

    Delete the comment character (#) and the comment “(turned off for 3.2)” from the following lines.

    # do_stopdscfglockd (turned off for 3.2)
    	# do_dscfglockd (turned off for 3.2)
  5. Save the edited file.

  6. If you do not need to reboot all the Sun Cluster nodes, then a system administrator with superuser privileges must run the following command on each node.

    # /usr/opt/SUNWscm/lib/dscfglockd \
    -f /var/opt/SUNWesm/
Next Steps

If you require further assistance, contact your Sun service representative.