Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for Hitachi TrueCopy

Administering Hitachi TrueCopy Application Resource Groups

To make an application highly available, the application must be managed as a resource in an application resource group.

All the entities you configure for the application resource group on the primary cluster, such as application resources, installation, application configuration files, and resource groups, must be replicated to the secondary cluster. The resource group names must be identical on both clusters. Also, the data that the application resource uses must be replicated to the secondary cluster.

This section contains information about the following tasks:

ProcedureHow to Add an Application Resource Group to a Hitachi TrueCopy Protection Group

Before You Begin

You can add an existing resource group to the list of application resource groups for a protection group. Before you add an application resource group to a protection group, ensure that the following conditions are met:

The protection group can be activated or deactivated and the resource group can be either Online or Unmanaged.

If the resource group is Unmanaged and the protection group is Active after the configuration of the protection group has changed, the local state of the protection group becomes Degraded.

If the resource group to add is Online and the protection group is deactivated, the request is rejected. You must activate the protection group before adding an active resource group.

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Add an application resource group to the protection group.

    This command adds an application resource group to a protection group on the local cluster. Then the command propagates the new configuration information to the partner cluster if the partner cluster contains a protection group of the same name.

    # geopg add-resource-group resourcegrouplist protectiongroup

    Specifies the name of the application resource group.

    You can specify more than one resource group in a comma-separated list.


    Specifies the name of the protection group.

    For information about the names and values that are supported by Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software, see Appendix B, Legal Names and Values of Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Entities, in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

    If the add operation is unsuccessful on the local cluster, the configuration of the protection group is not modified. Otherwise, the Configuration status is set to OK on the local cluster.

    If the Configuration status is OK on the local cluster, but the add operation is unsuccessful on the partner cluster, the Configuration status is set to Error on the partner cluster.

    After the application resource group is added to the protection group, the application resource group is managed as an entity of the protection group. Then the application resource group is affected by protection group operations such as start, stop, switchover, and takeover.

Example 2–9 Adding an Application Resource Group to a Protection Group

This example adds two application resource groups, apprg1 and apprg2, to tcpg.

# geopg add-resource-group apprg1,apprg2 tcpg

ProcedureHow to Delete an Application Resource Group From a Hitachi TrueCopy Protection Group

You can remove an application resource group from a protection group without altering the state or contents of an application resource group.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following conditions are met:

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Remove the application resource group from the protection group.

    This command removes an application resource group from the protection group on the local cluster. If the partner cluster contains a protection group of the same name, then the command removes the application resource group from the protection group on the partner cluster.

    # geopg remove-resource-group resourcegrouplist protectiongroup

    Specifies the name of the application resource group.

    You can specify more than one resource group in a comma-separated list.


    Specifies the name of the protection group.

    If the remove operation is unsuccessful on the local cluster, the configuration of the protection group is not modified. Otherwise, the Configuration status is set to OK on the local cluster.

    If the Configuration status is OK on the local cluster, but the remove operation is unsuccessful on the partner cluster, the Configuration status is set to Error on the partner cluster.

Example 2–10 Deleting an Application Resource Group From a Protection Group

This example removes two application resource groups, apprg1 and apprg2, from tcpg.

# geopg remove-resource-group apprg1,apprg2 tcpg