Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for Hitachi TrueCopy

ProcedureHow to Replicate the Volume Manager Configuration Information From the Primary Cluster

Before You Begin

If you are using storage-based replication, do not configure a replicated volume as a quorum device. The Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software does not support Hitachi TrueCopy S-VOL and Command Device as a Sun Cluster quorum device. See Using Storage-Based Data Replication in Sun Cluster 3.0-3.1 Hardware Administration Manual for Solaris OS for more information.

  1. Start replication for the devgroup1 device group.

    phys-paris-1# paircreate -g devgroup1 -vl -f async
    phys-paris-1# pairdisplay -g devgroup1
    Group PairVol(L/R) (Port#,TID,LU),Seq#,LDEV#,P/S,Status,Fence,Seq#,P-LDEV# M 
    devgroup1 pair1(L) (CL1-A , 0, 1) 54321   1..P-VOL COPY ASYNC ,12345 609   -
    devgroup1 pair1(R) (CL1-C , 0, 20)12345 609..S-VOL COPY ASYNC ,-----   1   -
    devgroup1 pair2(L) (CL1-A , 0, 2) 54321   2..P-VOL COPY ASYNC ,12345 610   -
    devgroup1 pair2(R) (CL1-C , 0, 21)12345 610..S-VOL COPY ASYNC ,-----   2   -
  2. Wait for the state of the pair to become PAIR on the secondary cluster.

    phys-newyork-1# pairdisplay -g devgroup1
    Group PairVol(L/R) (Port#,TID,LU),Seq#,LDEV#,P/S,Status,Fence,Seq#,P-LDEV# M
    devgroup1 pair1(L) (CL1-C , 0, 20)12345 609..S-VOL PAIR ASYNC,-----, 1     - 
    devgroup1 pair1(R) (CL1-A , 0, 1) 54321   1..P-VOL PAIR ASYNC,12345, 609   - 
    devgroup1 pair2(L) (CL1-C , 0, 21)12345 610..S-VOL PAIR ASYNC,-----, 2     - 
    devgroup1 pair2(R) (CL1-A , 0, 2)54321    2..P-VOL PAIR ASYNC,12345, 610   -
  3. Split the pair by using the pairsplit command and confirm that the secondary volumes on cluster-newyork are writable by using the -rw option.

    phys-newyork-1# pairsplit -g devgroup1 -rw 
    phys-newyork-1# pairdisplay -g devgroup1
    Group PairVol(L/R) (Port#,TID,LU),Seq#,LDEV#,P/S,Status,Fence,Seq#,P-LDEV# M 
    devgroup1 pair1(L) (CL1-C , 0, 20)12345 609..S-VOL SSUS ASYNC, -----  1    - 
    devgroup1 pair1(R) (CL1-A , 0, 1) 54321   1..P-VOL PSUS ASYNC,12345  609   W 
    devgroup1 pair2(L) (CL1-C , 0,21) 12345 610..S-VOL SSUS ASYNC,-----   2    - 
    devgroup1 pair2(R) (CL1-A , 0, 2) 54321   2..P-VOL PSUS ASYNC,12345  610   W
  4. Import the VERITAS Volume Manager disk group, oradg1.

    phys-newyork-1# vxdg -C import oradg1
  5. Verify that the VERITAS Volume Manager disk group was successfully imported.

    phys-newyork-1# vxdg list
  6. Enable the VERITAS Volume Manager volume.

    phys-newyork-1# /usr/sbin/vxrecover -g oradg1 -s -b
  7. Verify that the VERITAS Volume Manager volumes are recognized and enabled.

    phys-newyork-1# vxprint
  8. Register the VERITAS Volume Manager disk group, oradg1, in Sun Cluster.

    phys-newyork-1# scconf -a -D type=vxvm, name=oradg1, \
  9. Synchronize the volume manager information with the Sun Cluster device group and verify the output.

    phys-newyork-1# scconf -c -D name=oradg1,sync
    phys-newyork-1# scstat -D
  10. Add an entry to the /etc/vfstab file on phys-newyork-1.

    phys-newyork-1# /dev/vx/dsk/oradg1/vol1 /dev/vx/rdsk/oradg1/vol1 \
    /mounts/sample ufs 2 no logging
  11. Create a mount directory on phys-newyork-1.

    phys-newyork-1# mkdir -p /mounts/sample
  12. Create an application resource group, apprg1, by using the scrgadm command.

    phys-newyork-1# scrgadm -a -g apprg1
  13. Create the HAStoragePlus resource in apprg1.

    phys-newyork-1# scrgadm -a -j rs-hasp -g apprg1 -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
    -x FilesystemMountPoints=/mounts/sample -x AffinityOn=TRUE \
    -x GlobalDevicePaths=oradg1 \
  14. If necessary, confirm that the application resource group is correctly configured by bringing it online and taking it offline again.

    phys-newyork-1# scswitch -z -g apprg1 -h phys-newyork-1
    phs-newyork-1# scswitch -F -g apprg1
  15. Unmount the file system.

    phys-newyork-1# umount /mounts/sample
  16. Take the Sun Cluster device group offline.

    phys-newyork-1# scswitch -F -D oradg1
  17. Verify that the VERITAS Volume Manager disk group was deported.

    phys-newyork-1# vxdg list
  18. Reestablish the Hitachi TrueCopy pair.

    phys-newyork-1# pairresync -g devgroup1 
    phys-newyork-1# pairdisplay -g devgroup1 
    Group PairVol(L/R) (Port#,TID,LU),Seq#,LDEV#,P/S,Status,Fence,Seq#,P-LDEV# M 
    devgroup1 pair1(L) (CL1-C , 0, 20)12345 609..S-VOL PAIR ASYNC,-----   1    - 
    devgroup1 pair1(R) (CL1-A , 0, 1) 54321   1..P-VOL PAIR ASYNC,12345  609   W 
    devgroup1 pair2(L) (CL1-C , 0,21) 12345 610..S-VOL PAIR ASYNC,-----   2    - 
    devgroup1 pair2(R) (CL1-A , 0, 2) 54321   2..P-VOL PAIR ASYNC,12345  610   W

    Initial configuration on the secondary cluster is now complete.