Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for Hitachi TrueCopy

Results of a Switchover From a Replication Perspective

After a successful switchover, at the data replication level the roles of the primary and secondary volumes have been switched. The PVOL_PAIR volumes that were in place before the switchover become the SVOL_PAIR volumes. The SVOL_PAIR volumes in place before the switchover become the PVOL_PAIR volumes. Data replication will continue from the new PVOL_PAIR volumes to the new SVOL_PAIR volumes.

The Local-role property of the protection group is also switched regardless of whether the application could be brought online on the new primary cluster as part of the switchover operation. On the cluster on which the protection group had a Local role of Secondary, the Local-role property of the protection group becomes Primary. On the cluster on which the protection group had a Local-role of Primary, the Local-role property of the protection group becomes Secondary.