Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Installation Guide

ProcedureHow to Install the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software by Using the Graphical User Interface

This procedure explains how to install the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software on Solaris OS 9 or 10 by using the GUI.

If you have installed Solaris OS 8, see Installing the Software on Solaris OS 8.

Before You Begin

Before you begin to install software, make the following preparations:

  1. To use the installer program with a GUI, ensure that the display environment of the cluster node to install is set to display the GUI.

    % xhost +
    % setenv DISPLAY nodename:0.0
  2. Become root on the cluster where you intend to install the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software.

    Note –

    The Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software must be installed on all nodes of a cluster.

    % su
  3. Load the Sun Java ES 2006Q4 DVD-ROM into the DVD-ROM drive.

    If the volume management daemon vold(1M) is running and is configured to manage CD-ROM or DVD devices, the daemon automatically mounts the media on the /cdrom/cdrom0/ directory.

  4. Change to the Sun Java ES installation wizard directory of the DVD-ROM. If you are installing the software packages on the SPARC platform, type the following command:

    # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_sparc

    If you are installing the software packages on the x86 platform, type the following command:

    # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_x86
  5. Start the Sun Java ES installation wizard program.

    # ./installer
  6. Follow the instructions on the screen to install Sun Cluster Geographic Edition framework software on the cluster.

    The installer starts and displays the Welcome page.

    After the installation is finished, you can view any available installation log.

    To exit the installer at any time, click Cancel.

  7. Choose Typical or Custom installation.

    The Typical installation installs the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition data replication as well as the core components of the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software.

    The Custom installation installs the core components of the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software.

  8. Choose the locale for the software.

    The languages you choose will be installed for all the components you select. Each language causes additional packages to be installed, which adds to the disk space that is required for installation. The English language is always installed.

    Note –

    All nodes of the cluster must have the same default locale.

  9. If you chose the Custom installation, select the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition data replication you want to install.

  10. Confirm that you have selected all the software components you want to install, and click Install Now.

  11. Unload the Sun Java ES 2006Q4 DVD-ROM from the DVD-ROM drive.

Next Steps

Install required patches. Go to Installing Patches.

Configure Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software on the clusters. Go to Chapter 4, Enabling and Configuring the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software.