
TABLE 1-1 small spaceComponents of the C Compilation System

TABLE 2-1 small spaceData Type Suffixes

TABLE 2-2 small spaceDeclaration Specifiers

TABLE 2-3 small spacePredefined Identifier

TABLE 5-1 small spaceThe -errchk Values

TABLE 5-2 small spaceThe -errfmt Values

TABLE 5-3 small spaceThe -errhdr Values

TABLE 5-4 small spaceThe -erroff Values

TABLE 5-5 small spaceThe -errwarn Values

TABLE 5-6 small spaceThe -Ncheck Values

TABLE 5-7 small space lint Options to Suppress Messages

TABLE 5-8 small spaceThe lint Directives

TABLE 7-1 small spaceTrigraph Sequences

TABLE 7-2 small spaceStandard Headers

TABLE 7-3 small spaceNames Reserved for Expansion

TABLE 8-1 small spaceData Type Size for ILP32 and LP64

TABLE 9-1 small space cscope Menu Manipulation Commands

TABLE 9-2 small spaceCommands for Use After an Initial Search

TABLE 9-3 small spaceCommands for Selecting Lines to Be Changed

TABLE A-1 small spaceCompiler Options Grouped by Functionality

TABLE A-2 small spaceThe -errfmt Values

TABLE A-3 small spaceThe -erroff Values

TABLE A-4 small spaceThe -errshort Values

TABLE A-5 small spaceThe -errwarn Values

TABLE A-6 small spaceThe -fast Expansion Values

TABLE A-7 small spaceThe -W Values

TABLE A-8 small spaceThe Levels of Alias-Disambiguation

TABLE A-9 small spaceThe -xarch ISA Keywords

TABLE A-10 small space -xarch Matrix

TABLE A-11 small spaceThe -xarch Values for SPARC Platforms

TABLE A-12 small spaceThe -xarch Values on x86

TABLE A-13 small spaceThe -xc99 Values

TABLE A-14 small spaceThe -xcache Values

TABLE A-15 small spaceThe -xchar Values

TABLE A-16 small spaceThe -xcheck Values

TABLE A-17 small spaceThe -xchip Values

TABLE A-18 small spaceThe -xcode Values

TABLE A-19 small spaceThe -xF Values

TABLE A-20 small spaceThe -xinline Values

TABLE A-21 small spaceThe -xldscope Values

TABLE A-22 small spaceThe -xlinkopt Values

TABLE A-23 small space -xmemalign Alignment and Behavior Values

TABLE A-24 small spaceExamples of -xmemalign

TABLE A-25 small spaceThe -xnativeconnect Values

TABLE A-26 small spaceThe -xO Values for SPARC Processors

TABLE A-27 small spaceThe -xO Values for x86 Processors

TABLE A-28 small spaceThe -xopenmp Values

TABLE A-29 small spaceThe -xprefetch Values

TABLE A-30 small spaceThe -xregs Values

TABLE A-31 small spaceThe -xtarget Values

TABLE A-32 small space -xtarget Expansions on SPARC

TABLE A-33 small space -xtarget Expansions on Intel Architecture

TABLE A-34 small spaceThe -xthreadvar Values

TABLE B-1 small spaceStorage Allocation for Data Types

TABLE B-2 small spaceRepresentation of short

TABLE B-3 small spaceRepresentation of int

TABLE B-4 small spaceRepresentation of long on Intel and SPARC v8 versus SPARC v9

TABLE B-5 small spaceRepresentation of long long

TABLE B-6 small space float Representation

TABLE B-7 small space double Representation

TABLE B-8 small space long double Representation (SPARC)

TABLE B-9 small space long double Representation (Intel)

TABLE B-10 small space float Representations

TABLE B-11 small space double Representations

TABLE B-12 small space long double Representations

TABLE B-13 small spaceHexadecimal Representation of Selected Numbers (SPARC)

TABLE B-14 small spaceHexadecimal Representation of Selected Numbers (Intel)

TABLE B-15 small spaceArray Types and Storage

TABLE B-16 small spaceAbbreviation Usage

TABLE B-17 small spaceAddition and Subtraction Results

TABLE B-18 small spaceMultiplication Results

TABLE B-19 small spaceDivision Results

TABLE B-20 small spaceComparison Results

TABLE C-1 small spaceRepresentations and Sets of Values of Integers

TABLE C-2 small spaceValues for a float

TABLE C-3 small spaceValues for a double

TABLE C-4 small spaceValues for long double

TABLE C-5 small spacePadding and Alignment of Structure Members

TABLE C-6 small spaceCharacter Sets Tested by isalpha , islower , Etc.

TABLE C-7 small spaceValues Returned on Domain Errors

TABLE C-8 small spaceSemantics for signal Signals

TABLE C-9 small spaceNames of Months

TABLE C-10 small spaceDays and Abbreviated Days of the Week

TABLE F-1 small spaceK&R Sun C Incompatibilities With Sun ISO C

TABLE F-2 small spaceISO C Standard Keywords

TABLE F-3 small spaceSun C (K&R) Keywords