A P P E N D I X  E

Performance Tuning (SPARC)

This appendix describes performance tuning on SPARC platforms.

E.1 Limits

Some parts of the C library cannot be optimized for speed, even though doing so would benefit most applications. Some examples:

E.2 libfast.a Library

The library libfast.a provides speed-tuned versions of standard C library functions. Because it is an optional library, it can use algorithms and data representations that may not be appropriate for the standard C library, even though they improve the performance of most applications.

Use profiling to determine whether the routines in the following checklist are important to the performance of your application, then use this checklist to decide whether libfast.a benefits the performance:

When linking the application, add the option -lfast to the cc command used at link time. The cc command links the routines in libfast.a ahead of their counterparts in the standard C library.