
TABLE 3-1 small spaceComparison of 32-bit and 64-bit Operating Environments

TABLE 4-1 small spaceNetlib Sparse BLAS Naming Conventions

TABLE 4-2 small spaceNIST Fortran Sparse BLAS Routine Naming Conventions

TABLE 4-3 small spaceSparse Solver Routines

TABLE 4-4 small spaceSparse Solver Routine Calling Order

TABLE 5-1 small spaceFFT Routines and Their Arguments

TABLE 5-2 small spaceSingle Precision Linear FFT Routines

TABLE 5-3 small spaceSingle Precision Two-Dimensional FFT Routines

TABLE 5-4 small spaceSingle Precision Three-Dimensional FFT Routines

TABLE 5-5 small spaceFast Cosine and Sine Transform Routines and Their Arguments

TABLE 5-6 small spaceConvolution and Correlation Routines

TABLE 5-7 small spaceArguments for One-Dimensional Convolution and Correlation Routines SCNVCOR , DCNVCOR , CCNVCOR , and ZCNVCOR

TABLE 5-8 small spaceArguments for Two-Dimensional Convolution and Correlation Routines SCNVCOR2 , DCNVCOR2 , CCNVCOR2 , and ZCNVCOR2

TABLE 5-9 small spaceArguments Affecting Minimum Work Array Size for Two-Dimensional Routines: SCNVCOR2 , DCNVCOR2 , CCNVCOR2 , and ZCNVCOR2

TABLE 5-10 small space MYC_INIT and NYC_INIT Dependencies

TABLE 5-11 small spaceMinimum Dimensions and Data Types for WORK Work Array Used With Convolution and Correlation Routines

TABLE 6-1 small spaceIBLAS Prefixes and Matrix Types

TABLE 6-2 small spaceVector Reductions

TABLE 6-3 small spaceAdd or Cancel Vectors

TABLE 6-4 small spaceVector Movements

TABLE 6-5 small spaceMatrix-Vector Operations

TABLE 6-6 small spaceO( n 2 ) Matrix Operations

TABLE 6-7 small spaceO( n 3 ) Matrix Operations

TABLE 6-8 small spaceMatrix Movements

TABLE 6-9 small spaceVector Set Operations

TABLE 6-11 small spaceVector Utilities

TABLE 6-10 small spaceMatrix Set Operations

TABLE 6-12 small spaceMatrix Utilities

TABLE A-1 small spaceLAPACK (Linear Algebra Package) Routines

TABLE A-2 small spaceBLAS1 (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, Level 1) Routines

TABLE A-3 small spaceBLAS2 (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, Level 2) Routines

TABLE A-4 small spaceBLAS3 (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, Level 3) Routines

TABLE A-5 small spaceSparse BLAS Routines

TABLE A-6 small spaceSparse Solver Routines

TABLE A-7 small spaceFFT Routines

TABLE A-8 small spaceSine and Cosine Transform Routines

TABLE A-9 small spaceConvolution and Correlation Routines

TABLE A-10 small spaceConvolution and Correlation Routines

TABLE A-11 small spaceInterval BLAS Routines

TABLE A-12 small spaceSort Routines