
TABLE 2-1 small spaceIEEE Formats and Language Types

TABLE 2-2 small spaceValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Single Format

TABLE 2-3 small spaceBit Patterns in Single-Storage Format and Their IEEE Values

TABLE 2-4 small spaceValues Represented by Bit Patterns in IEEE Double Format

TABLE 2-5 small spaceBit Patterns in Double-Storage Format and Their IEEE Values

TABLE 2-6 small spaceValues Represented by Bit Patterns (SPARC)

TABLE 2-7 small spaceBit Patterns in Double-Extended Format (SPARC)

TABLE 2-8 small spaceValues Represented by Bit Patterns (x86)

TABLE 2-9 small spaceBit Patterns in Double-Extended Format and Their Values (x86)

TABLE 2-10 small spaceRange and Precision of Storage Formats

TABLE 2-11 small spaceUnderflow Thresholds

TABLE 2-12 small spaceulp(1) in Four Different Precisions

TABLE 2-13 small spaceGaps Be(tween Representable Single-Format Floating-Point Numbers

TABLE 3-1 small spaceContents of libm

TABLE 3-2 small spaceContents of libsunmath

TABLE 3-3 small spaceContents of libmvec

TABLE 3-4 small spaceContents of libm9x

TABLE 3-5 small spaceCalling Single, Double, and Quadruple Functions

TABLE 3-6 small space ieee_functions (3m)

TABLE 3-8 small spaceCalling ieee_functions From Fortran

TABLE 3-9 small spaceCalling ieee_sun From Fortran

TABLE 3-7 small space ieee_sun (3m)

TABLE 3-10 small spaceIEEE Values: Single Precision

TABLE 3-11 small spaceIEEE Values: Double Precision

TABLE 3-12 small spaceIEEE Values: Quadruple Precision (SPARC)

TABLE 3-13 small spaceIEEE Values: Double Extended Precision (x86)

TABLE 3-14 small spaceParameter Values for ieee_flags

TABLE 3-15 small space ieee_flags Input Values for the Rounding Direction

TABLE 3-16 small spaceC99 Standard Exception Flag Functions

TABLE 3-17 small space Floating Point Environment Functions

TABLE 3-18 small spaceIntervals for Single-Value Random Number Generators

TABLE 4-1 small spaceIEEE Floating Point Exceptions

TABLE 4-2 small spaceUnordered Comparisons

TABLE 4-3 small spaceException Bits

TABLE 4-4 small spaceTypes for Arithmetic Exceptions

TABLE 4-5 small spaceException Codes for fex_set_handling

TABLE A-1 small spaceSome Debugging Commands (SPARC)

TABLE A-2 small spaceSome Debugging Commands (x86)

TABLE B-1 small spaceSPARC Floating-Point Options

TABLE B-2 small spaceFloating-Point Status Register Fields

TABLE B-3 small spaceException Handling Fields

TABLE D-1 small spaceIEEE 754 Format Parameters

TABLE D-2 small spaceIEEE 754 Special Values

TABLE D-3 small spaceOperations That Produce a NaN

TABLE D-4 small spaceExceptions in IEEE 754*

TABLE E-1 small spaceExceptional Cases and libm Functions

TABLE E-2 small spaceLIA-1 Conformance - Notation