Using Sun WorkShop

Monitoring Data Values

The Data Display window allows you to watch the changes in the value of an expression during program execution. A set of expressions you choose is automatically evaluated every time a program stops executing--at a breakpoint, at a step, and when the program is interrupted. When the value of an expression changes, the value is highlighted in boldface.

From the Data Display window, you can display pop-up windows to view additional information about an expression, giving you control over the information you are viewing.

To monitor the value of an expression:

  1. Open the Data Display window by choosing Windows > Data Display or clicking Display in the Debugging window.

  2. Type an expression in the window by doing one of the following:

    • Type the expression in the Expression text box and click the Display button.

    • Choose Display > New Expression in the Data Display window and type the expression in the text box in the New Expression panel that is displayed.

  3. Place the pointer anywhere in the Data Display window and press the right mouse button to display the Selected Display Item pop-up menu.

    Choose commands from the menu to view context and type information, compare current and previous values, show pointer aliases, and graph arrays.