Analyzing Program Performance With Sun WorkShop

How This Book Is Organized

Chapter 1, "Performance Profiling and Analysis Tools," introduces the performance analysis tools, briefly discussing what they do and when to use them.

Chapter 2, "The Sampling Analysis Tools," describes the Sampling Collector and the Sampling Analyzer. You can use these tools to help you improve your program's use of resources.

Chapter 3, "Loop Analysis Tools," presents LoopReport and LoopTool, which help you analyze program loops that have been parallelized by your compiler.

Chapter 4, "Traditional Profiling Tools," covers the traditional profiling tools prof, gprof, and tcov, which help you find the parts of your program that are most heavily used, and determine how much of your program is being tested.

Chapter 5, "Lock Analysis Tool," documents LockLint, which assists you in analyzing locks and potential race conditions in multi-threaded programs.

Appendix A, "LockLint Command Reference," provides reference-style information on the LockLint commands.