Analyzing Program Performance With Sun WorkShop

Functions With Locking Side Effects









These annotations are allowed only inside a function definition. Each tells LockLint that the function has the specified side effect on the specified lock--that is, that the function deliberately leaves the lock in a different state on exit than it was in when the function was entered. In the case of the last two of these annotations, the side effect is not about a lock but rather about the state of concurrency.

When stating that a readers-writer lock is acquired as a side effect, you must specify whether the lock was acquired for read or write access.

A lock is said to be upgraded if it changes from being acquired for read-only access to being acquired for read/write access. Downgraded means a transformation in the opposite direction.

LockLint analyzes each function for its side effects on locks (and concurrency). Ordinarily, LockLint expects that a function will have no such effects; if the code has such effects intentionally, you must inform LockLint of that intent using annotations. If it finds that a function has different side effects from those expressed in the annotations, an error message results.

The annotations described in this section refer generally to the function's characteristics and not to a particular point in the code. Thus, these annotations are probably best written at the top of the function. There is, for example, no difference (other than readability) between this:

foo() {
	if (x && y) {

and this:

foo() {
	if (x && y) {

If a function has such a side effect, the effect should be the same on every path through the function. LockLint complains about and refuses to analyze paths through the function that have side effects other than those specified.