Analyzing Program Performance With Sun WorkShop


LoopTool is a graphical analysis tool that reads the loop timing files created by programs compiled for loop analysis with Fortran and C compilers. LoopTool enables you to:

LoopTool displays a graph of loop run times and identifies which loops were parallelized. You can go directly from the display to the source code for any loop.

To use LoopTool, you compile your program with the -Zlp option. When you run a program that has been compiled with the -Zlp option, Sun WorkShop creates a loop timing file. You run LoopTool to read the timing file and display its results. Sun WorkShop provides a demonstration program named vgam and a demonstration timing file named vgam.looptimes. When you start LoopTool from the Sun WorkShop Tools menu, it displays results from these files. You can use these demos to become familiar with LoopTool or specify your own files if you have already compiled a program with the -Zlp option. LoopTool is described in Chapter 3, Loop Analysis Tools.