Analyzing Program Performance With Sun WorkShop

Marking Samples

The Sampling Collector interrupts data gathering to end one sample and begin another at these three points:


Because data is always summarized at breakpoints in the code, you can set breakpoints at any location at which you want to summarize collected data.

New Sample Command

If you select the radio button labeled "Manually, on `New Sample' command", you can use the New Sample command on the Collect menu to check data at whatever points in the application you wish without setting a breakpoint in the code. This is useful if you are interested in measuring human interaction with the application--for example, the time it takes to choose a command from a menu or to type in a keyboard command.

Periodic Sampling

If you select the radio button labeled "Periodically", the Sampling Collector takes behavior data samples as you observe the running application, to give you a uniform view of the application's behavior. Use the Period slider at the bottom of the Sampling Collector window to define the intervals at which the Sampling Collector summarizes samples. The interval can be from 1 to 60 seconds.