Analyzing Program Performance With Sun WorkShop

Makefile Rules

To modify your makefile to produce .ll files, first use the rule for creating a .o from a .c to write a rule to create a .ll from a .c. For example, from:

# Rule for making .o from .c in ../src.
%.o: ../src/%.c
	$(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<

you might write:

# Rule for making .ll from .c in ../src.
%.ll: ../src/%.c
	cc $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(FOO) $<

In the above example, the -Zll flag would have to be specified in the make macros for compiler options (CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS).

If you use a suffix rule, you will need to define .ll as a suffix. For that reason some prefer to use % rules.

If the appropriate .o files are contained in a make variable FOO_OBJS, you can create FOO_LLS with the line:

FOO_LLS = ${FOO_OBJS:%.o=%.ll}

or, if they are in a subdirectory ll:

FOO_LLS = ${FOO_OBJS:%.o=ll/%.ll}

If you want to keep the .ll files in subdirectory ll/, you can have the makefile automatically create this file with the label:

	@if [ ! -d ll ]; then mkdir ll; fi