Analyzing Program Performance With Sun WorkShop

The Annotations Scheme

LockLint shares the source code annotations scheme with several other tools. When you install the Sun WorkShop ANSI C Compiler, you automatically install the file SUNW_SPRO-cc-ssbd, which contains the names of all the annotations that LockLint understands. The file is located in <installation_directory>/SUNWspro/SC5.0/lib/note.

You may specify a location other than the default by setting the environment variable NOTEPATH, as in

setenv NOTEPATH other_location:$NOTEPATH


The default value for NOTEPATH is installation_directory</SUNWSPRO/SC5.0/lib/note:/usr/lib/note.>

To use source code annotations, include the file note.h in your source or header files:

#include <note.h>