Analyzing Program Performance With Sun WorkShop

assert mutex|rwlock protects

Asserting that a mutex lock protects a variable causes an error whenever the variable is accessed without holding the mutex lock. Asserting that a readers-writer lock protects a variable causes an error whenever the variable is read without holding the lock for read access or written without holding the lock for write access. Subsequent assertions as to which lock protects a variable override any previous assertions; that is, only the last lock asserted to protect a variable is used during analysis.

assert mutex protects

Asserting that a mutex lock protects a function causes an error whenever the function is called without holding the lock. For root functions, the analysis is performed as if the root function were called with this assertion being true.

assert rwlock protects

Asserting that a readers-writer lock protects a function causes an error whenever the function is called without holding the lock for write access. Asserting that a readers-writer lock protects reads in a function causes an error whenever the function is called without holding the lock for read access. For root functions, the analysis is performed as if the root function were called with this assertion being true.

Note -

To avoid flooding the output with too many violations of a single assert... protects subcommand, a maximum of 20 violations of any given assertion is shown. This limit does not apply to the assert order subcommand.