Analyzing Program Performance With Sun WorkShop


funcptrs has the following syntax:

funcptrs [-botu] func_ptr ...  
funcptrs [-blotuz]

Lists information about the function pointers used in the loaded files. One line is produced for each function pointer.

Table A-6 funcptrs Options
 Option Definition 


(bound) This option lists only function pointers to which function targets have been bound, that is it suppresses the display of function pointers for which there are no bound targets.


(long) Equivalent to -ot.


(other) This presents the following information about each function pointer:


Indicates the number of places in the loaded files this function pointer is used to call a function. 


Indicates that a call through this function pointer never returns (none of the functions targeted ever return). 


(targets) This option lists the functions currently bound as targets to each function pointer listed, as follows:targets={ func ... }


(unbound) This lists only those function pointers to which no function targets are bound. That is, suppresses the display of function pointers for which there are bound targets.


(zero) This lists function pointers for which there are no calls. Without this option information is given only on function pointers through which calls are made.

You can combine various options to funcptrs: