Analyzing Program Performance With Sun WorkShop


reallow has the following syntax:

reallow func ...

Allows you to make exceptions to disallow subcommands. For example, to prevent LockLint from analyzing any calling sequence in which f() calls g() calls h(), except when f() is called by e() which was called by d(), use the commands

% lock_lint disallow f g h
% lock_lint reallow d e f g h

In some cases you may want to state that a function should only be called from a particular function, as in this example:

% lock_lint disallow f
% lock_lint reallow e f

Note -

A reallow subcommand only suppresses the effect of a disallow subcommand if the sequences end the same. For example, after the following commands, the sequence d e f g h would still be disallowed:

% lock_lint disallow e f g h
% lock_lint reallow d e f g