Analyzing Program Performance With Sun WorkShop


start has the following syntax:

start [cmd]

Starts a LockLint session. A LockLint session must be started prior to using any other LockLint subcommand. By default, start establishes LockLint's context and starts a subshell for the user, as specified via $SHELL, within that context. The only piece of the LockLint context exported to the shell is the environment variable LL_CONTEXT, which contains the path to the temporary directory of files used to maintain a LockLint session.

cmd specifies a command and its path and options. By default, if cmd is not specified, the value of $SHELL is used.

Note -

To exit a LockLint session use the exit command of the shell you are using.

See "Limitations of LockLint", for more on setting up the LockLint environment for a start subcommand.