Debugging a Program With dbx

Chapter 2 Customizing dbx

This chapter describes the dbx environment variables you can use to customize certain attributes of your debugging environment, and how to use the initialization file, .dbxrc, to preserve your changes and adjustments from session to session.

This chapter is organized into the following sections:

Using the .dbxrc File

The dbx initialization file, .dbxrc, stores dbx commands that are executed each time you start dbx. Typically, the file contains commands that customize your debugging environment, but you can place any dbx commands in the file. Remember, if you customize dbx from the command line while you are debugging, those settings apply only to the current debugging session.

During startup, dbx searches for .dbxrc first. The search order is:

  1. Current directory ./.dbxrc

  2. Home directory $HOME/.dbxrc

If .dbxrc is not found, dbx prints a warning message and searches for .dbxinit (dbx mode).

The search order is:

  1. Current directory ./.dbxinit

  2. Home directory $HOME/.dbxinit

Creating a .dbxrc File

To suppress the warning message and create a .dbxrc file that contains common customizations and aliases, type in the command pane:

 help .dbxrc>$HOME/.dbxrc

You can then customize the resulting file by using your text editor to uncomment the entries you wish to have executed.

A Sample Initialization File

Here is a sample .dbxrc file:

dbxenv case input_case_sensitive false
catch FPE

The first line changes the default setting for the case sensitivity control. dbxenv refers to the set of debugging environment attributes. input_case_sensitive refers to the matching control. false is the control setting.

The next line is a debugging command, catch, which adds a system signal, FPE to the default list of signals to which dbx responds, stopping the program.

dbx Environment Variables and the Korn Shell

Each dbx environment variable is also accessible as a ksh variable. The name of the ksh variable is derived from the dbx environemnt varaible by prefixing it with DBX_. For example

dbxenv stack_verbose


echo $DBX_stack_verbose

yield the same output.

Customizing dbx in Sun WorkShop

If you use dbx through the Dbx Commands window in Sun WorkShop Debugging as well as from the command line in a shell, you can customize dbx most effectively by taking advantage of the customization features in Sun WorkShop Debugging.

Setting Debugging Options

If you use dbx primarily in the Dbx Commands window in Sun WorkShop Debugging, you can and should set most dbx environment variables using the Debugging Options dialog box (see the Using Sun WorkShop manual and the "Customizing Your Debugging Environment" section in the Sun WorkShop online help).

When you set debugging options using the Debugging Options dialog box, the dbxenv commands for the corresponding environment variables are stored in the Sun WorkShop configuration file .workshoprc. When you start to debug a program in the Sun WorkShop Debugging window, any settings in your .dbxrc file that conflict with those in your .workshoprc take precedence.

Maintaining a Unified Set of Options

If you use dbx both from the command line in a shell and from within Sun WorkShop, you can create a unified set of options that customizes dbx for both modes:

  1. In the Sun WorkShop Debugging window, choose Debug Æ Debugging Options.

  2. Click Save as Defaults to make your current option settings your defaults.

  3. Open your .dbxrc file in an editor window.

  4. Near the top, add the line source $HOME/.workshoprc.

  5. Move the relevant dbxenv commands to a location after the source line, or delete them, or comment them out.

  6. Save the file.

Any changes made through the Debugging Options dialog box are now available to dbx through both Sun WorkShop and when running in a shell.

Maintaining Two Sets of Options

To maintain different options settings for running dbx within Sun WorkShop and from the command line in a shell, you can use the havegui variable in your .dbxrc file to conditionalize your dbxenv commands. For example:

 if $havegui
      dbxenv follow_fork_mode ask
      dbxenv stack_verbose on
       dbxenv follow_fork_mode parent
       dbxenv stack_verbose off


Storing Custom Buttons

Sun WorkShop Debugging includes the Button Editor for adding. removing, and editing buttons in the Custom Buttons window. You no longer need to use the button command to store buttons in your .dbxrc file. You cannot add buttons to, or remove buttons from, your .dbxrc file with the Button Editor.

You cannot permanently delete a button stored in your .dbxrc file with the Button Editor. The button will reappear in your next debugging session. You can remove such a button by editing your .dbxrc file.

Command Reference

To display the value of a specific variable::

dbxenv variable

To show all variables and their values:


To set the value of a variable:

dbxenv variable  value

Note -

Each variable has a corresponding ksh environment variable such as DBX_trace_speed. The variable may be assigned directly, or the dbxenv command may be used; they are equivalent.

Table 2-1 shows all of the dbx environment variables that you can set:

Table 2-1 dbx Environment Variables

dbx Environemnt Variable

What the Variable Does 

allow_critical_exclusion [on|off]

Normally loadobject -x disallows the exclusion of certain shared libraries critical to dbx functionality. By setting this variable to on that restriction is defeated. While this variable is on only corefiles can be debugged. Default: $DBX_allow_critical_exclusion

aout_cache_size num

Size of a.out loadobject cache; set this to num when debugging num programs serially from a single dbx. A num of zero still allows caching of shared objects. See entry for locache_enable. Default: 1

array_bounds_check [on|off]

If on, dbx checks the array bounds. Default: on

cfront_demangling [on|off]

Governs demangling of Cfront (SC 2.0 and SC 2.0.1) names while loading a program. It is necessary to set this parameter to on or start dbx with the -F option if debugging programs compiled with Cfront or programs linked with Cfront compiled libraries. If set to off, dbx loads the program approximately 15% faster. Default: off

delay_xs [on|off]

Governs whether debugging information for modules compiled with the -xs option is loaded at dbx startup or delayed. Default: on

disassembler_version [autodetect|v8|v9|v9vis]

SPARC: Set the version of dbx's built-in disassembler for SPARC V8, V9, or V9 with the Visual Instruction set. Default is autodetect, which sets the mode dynamically depending on the type of the machine a.out is running on. Non-SPARC platforms: Only valid choice is autodetect.

fix_verbose [on|off]

Governs the printing of compilation line during a fix. Default: off

follow_fork_inherit [on|off]

When following a child, inherit or do not inherit events. Default: off 

follow_fork_mode ...

When process executes a fork/vfork/fork1 ... Default: parent 

follow_fork_mode parent

... stay with parent. 

follow_fork_mode child

... follow child. 

follow_fork_mode both

... follow both parent and child (Sun WorkShop only). 

follow_fork_mode ask

... ask which of the above the user wants. 

follow_fork_mode_inner [unset|


Of relevance after a fork has been detected if follow_fork_mode was set to ask, and you chose stop. By setting this variable you need not use cont -follow.

input_case_sensitive [autodetect|


If set to autodetect, dbx automatically selects case sensitivity based on the language of the file: false for FORTRAN 77 or Fortran 90 files, otherwise true. If true, case matters in variable and function names; otherwise, case is not significant. Default: autodetect

language_mode [autodetect|main|c| ansic|c++|objc|fortran| fortran90|native_java]

Governs the language used for parsing and evaluating expressions. autodetect: sets to language of current file. Useful if debugging programs with mixed languages (default mode). main: sets language of the main routine in the program. Useful if debugging homogeneous programs. c, c++, ansic, c++, objc, fortran, fortran90, native_java: sets to selected language.

locache_enable [on|off]

Enable or disable loadobject cache entirely. Default: on 

mt_watchpoints [on|off]

Allow or disallow watchpoint facility for multithreaded programs. Default: off. Warning: Be aware that when using watchpoints on a multithreaded program that the application may deadlock if a semaphore occurs on a page that is being watched. 

output_auto_flush [on|off]

Automatically call fflush() after each call. Default: on

output_base [8|10|16|automatic]

Default base for printing integer constants. Default: automatic (pointers in hexadecimal characters, all else in decimal. 

output_dynamic_type [on|off]

When on, -d is the default for printing, displaying and inspecting. Default: off

output_inherited_members [on|off]

When on, -r is the default for printing, displaying and inspecting. Default: off 

output_list_size num

Governs the default number of lines to print in the list command. Default: 10

output_log_file_name filename

Name of the command logfile. Default: /tmp/dbx.log.uniqueID

output_max_string_length num

Set # of chars printed for char *s. Default: 512

output_pretty_print [on|off]

Sets -p as the default for printing, displaying and inspecting. Default: off.

output_short_file_name [on|off]

Display short pathnames for files. Default: on 

overload_function [on|off]

For C++, if on, do automatic function overload resolution. Default: on

overload_operator [on|off]

For C++, if on, do automatic operator overload resolution. Default: on

pop_auto_destruct [on|off]

If on, automatically call appropriate destructors for locals when popping a frame. Default: on

rtc_auto_continue [on|off]

Logs errors to rtc_error_log_file_name and continue. Default: off

rtc_auto_suppress [on| off]

If on, an RTC error at a given location is reported only once. Default: off

rtc_biu_at_exit [on|off|verbose]

Used when check -memuse is on explicitly or via check -all. If the value is on, a non-verbose memory use (blocks in use) report is produced at program exit. If the value is verbose, a verbose memory use report is produced at program exit. The value off causes no output. Default: on

rtc_error_limit num

Number of RTC errors to be reported. Default: 1000 

rtc_error_log_file_name filename

Name of file where RTC errors are logged if rtc_auto_continue is set. Default: /tmp/dbx.errlog.uniqueID

rtc_mel_at_exit [on|off|verbose]

Used when leaks checking is on. If the value is on, a non-verbose memory leak report is produced at program exit. If the value is verbose, a verbose memory leak report is produced at program exit. The value off causes no output. Default: on

run_autostart [on|off]

If on with no active program, step, next, stepi, and nexti implicitly run the program and stop at the language-dependent main routine. If on, cont implies run when necessary. Default: off

run_io [stdio|pty]

Governs whether the user program's I/O is redirected to dbx's stdio or a specific pty. The pty is provided via run_pty. Default: stdio.

run_pty ptyname

Sets the name of the pty to use when run_io is set to pty. Ptys are used by GUI wrappers.

run_quick [on|off]

If on, no symbolic information is loaded. The symbolic information can be loaded on demand using prog -readsysms. Until then dbx behaves as if the program being debugged is stripped. Default: off

run_savetty [on|off]

Multiplexes tty settings, process group, and keyboard settings (if -kbd was used on the command line) between dbx and the debuggee; useful when debugging editors and shells. Try setting to on if dbx gets SIGTTIN or SIGTTOU and pops back into the shell. Try setting to off to gain a slight speed advantage. The setting is irrelevant if dbx is attached to the debugee or is running under Sun WorkShop. Default: on

run_setpgrp [on|off]

If on, when a program is run setgprp(2)is called right after the fork. Default: off

scope_global_enums [on|off]

If on, enumerators are put in global scope and not in file scope. Should be set before debugging information is processed (~/.dbxrc). Default: off

scope_look_aside [on|off]

Find file static symbols, even when not in scope. Default: on 

session_log_file_name filename

Name of file where dbx logs all commands and their output. Output is appended to the file. Default: "" (no session logging)

stack_max_size num

Sets the default size for the where command. Default: 100

stack_verbose [on|off]

Governs the printing of arguments and line information in where. Default: on

step_events [on|off]

Allows breakpoints while stepping and nexting.Default: off 

suppress_startup_message num

Sets the release level below which the startup message is not printed. Default: 3.01 

symbol_info_compression [on|off]

Reads debugging information for each include file only once. Default: on

trace_speed num

Sets the speed of tracing execution. Value is the number of seconds to pause between steps. Default: 0.50