Debugging a Program With dbx

Chapter 4 Controlling Program Execution

The commands used for running, stepping, and continuing (run, rerun, next, step, and cont) are called process control commands.

Used together with the event management commands described later in this manual, you can control the run-time behavior of a program as it executes under dbx.

This chapter describes how to run, attach to, continue, and rerun a program in dbx, and how to single-step through lines of program code.

This chapter is organized into the following sections:

Running a Program

When you first load a program into dbx, dbx visits the program's "main" block (main for C, C++, and Fortran 90, MAIN for FORTRAN 77). dbx waits for you to issue further commands; you can visit code or use event management commands.

You may choose to set breakpoints in the program before running it. When ready, use the run command to start program execution.

To run a program in dbx without arguments, type:

(dbx) run

You can optionally add command-line arguments and redirection of input and output

(dbx) run [arguments
][ < input_file
] [ > output_file


Output from the run command overwrites an existing file even if you have set noclobber for the shell in which you are running dbx.

The run command by itself restarts the program using the previous arguments and redirection. The rerun command restarts the program and clears the original arguments and redirection.

Attaching dbx to a Running Process

You may need to debug a program that is already running. You might attach to a running process if:

You can attach dbx to a running program by using the program's pid number as an argument to the dbx debug command.

Once you have debugged the program, you can then use the detach command to take the program out from under the control of dbx without terminating the process.

If you quit dbx after having attached it to a running process, dbx implicitly detaches before terminating.

To attach dbx to a program that is running independently of dbx:

  1. If dbx is already running, type:

    (dbx) debug program_name process_ID

    You can substitute a -(dash) for the program_name; dbx automatically finds the program associated with the pid and loads it.

  2. If dbx is not running, start dbx by typingt:

    % dbx program_name process_ID

After you have attached dbx to a program, the program stops executing. You can examine it as you normally would any program loaded into dbx. You can use any event management or process control command to debug it.

Detaching dbx From a Process

When you have finished debugging the program, use the detach command to detach dbx from the program. The program then resumes running independently of dbx.

To detach a process from running under the control of dbx:

(dbx) detach 

Stepping Through a Program

dbx supports two basic single-step commands: next and step, plus a variant of step, called step up. Both next and step let the program execute one source line before stopping again.

If the line executed contains a function call, next allows the call to be executed and stops at the following line ("steps over" the call). step stops at the first line in a called function.

step up returns the program to the caller function after you have stepped into a function.

Single Stepping

To single step a specified number of lines of code, use the dbx commands next or step followed by the number of lines [n] of code you want executed:

(dbx) step n

pop pops the top frame off the stack and adjusts the frame pointer and the stack pointer accordingly. The pop command also changes the program counter to the beginning of the source line at the call site.

Continuing a Program

To continue a program, just use the cont command:

(dbx) cont

The cont command has a variant, cont at line_number, which allows you to specify a line other than the current program location line at which to resume program execution. This allows you to skip over one or more lines of code that you know are causing problems, without having to recompile.

To continue a program at a specified line, enter the cont at line_number command in the command pane:

(dbx) cont at 124

The line number is evaluated relative to the file in which the program is stopped; the line number given must be within the scope of the current function.

Using cont at line_number with assign, you can avoid executing a line of code that contains a call to a function that may be incorrectly computing the value of some variable.

To resume program execution at a specific line:

  1. Use assign to give the variable a correct value.

  2. Use cont at line_number to skip the line that contains the function call that would have computed the value incorrectly.

Assume that a program is stopped at line 123. Line 123 calls a function, how_fast() that computes incorrectly a variable, speed. You know what the value of speed should be, so you assign a value to speed. Then you continue program execution at line 124, skipping the call to how_fast().

(dbx) assign speed = 180; cont at 124;

If you use this command with a when breakpoint command, the program skips the call to how_fast() each time the program attempts to execute line 123.

(dbx) when at 123 { assign speed = 180; cont at 124;}

Calling a Function

When a program is stopped, you can call a function using the dbx call command, which accepts values for the parameters that must be passed to the called function.

To call a procedure, type the name of the function and supply its parameters. For eaxample:

(dbx) call change_glyph(1,3)

Notice that while the parameters may be optional, you must type in the parentheses after the function_name, for example:

(dbx) call type_vehicle()

A user may call a function explicitly, using the call command, or implicitly, by evaluating an expression containing function calls or using a conditional modifier such as stop in glyph -if animate().

If the source file in which the function is defined was compiled with the --g flag, or if the prototype declaration is visible at the current scope, dbx checks the number and type of arguments and issues an error message if there is a mismatch. Otherwise, dbx does not check the number of parameters an dproceeds with the call.

By default, after every call command, dbx automatically calls fflush(stdout) to ensure that any information stored in the I/O buffer is printed. To turn off automatic flushing, you can set the dbxenv output_autoflush to off.

For C++, dbx handles the implicit this pointer, default arguments, and function overloading. Automatic resolution of the C++ overloaded functions is done if possible. If any ambiguity remains (for example, functions not compiled with --g), dbx shows a list of the overloaded names.

When you use call, dbx behaves "next-like," returning from the called function. However, if the program hits a breakpoint in the called function, dbx stops the program at the breakpoint and emits a message. If you now issue a where command, the stack trace shows that the call originated from dbx command level.

If you continue execution, the call returns normally. If you attempt to kill, run, rerun, or debug, the command aborts as dbx tries to recover from the this nesting. You can then re-issue the command. Alternatively, you can use the command pop -c to pop all frames up to the most recent call.

Using Ctrl+C to Stop a Process

You can stop a process running in dbx using Ctrl+C (^C). When you stop a process using ^C, dbx ignores the ^C, but the child process sees it as a SIGINT and stops. You can then inspect the process as if it had been stopped by a breakpoint.

To resume execution after stopping a program with ^C, use cont. You do not need to use the cont optional modifier, sig signal_name, to resume execution. The cont command resumes the child process after cancelling the pending signal.

Command Reference


Use the run command by itself to execute the program with the current arguments:


To begin executing the program with new arguments:

run args


To re-execute the program with no arguments:



The next command with no arguments steps one line stepping over calls:


To step n lines skipping over calls:

next n

To deliver the given signal while executing the next command:

next ... -sig sig

The dbxenv variable step_events controls whether breakpoints are enabled during a step.

To step the given thread:

next tid

To step the given LWP (lightweight process):

next lwpid

This will not implicitly resume all LWPs when skipping a function. When an explicit tid or lwpid is given, the deadlock avoidance measure of the generic next is defeated.

With multithreaded programs, when a function call is skipped over, all LWPs are implicitly resumed for the duration of that function call in order to avoid deadlock. Non-active threads cannot be stepped.

Note -

For information on lightweight processes (LWPs), see the Solaris Multithreaded Programming Guide.


Use the cont command to continue execution. In a multithreaded process, all threads are resumed.


To continue execution at line lineid is optional.

cont line id

To continue execution with the signal sig:

cont ... -sig sig

To continue execution from a specific thread or LWP:

cont id

To continue execution and follow a forked process:

cont ... -follow parent|child


The step command with no arguments steps one line stepping into calls:


To step n lines stepping into calls:

step n

To step n lines stepping into calls and out of the current function:

step up n

To deliver the given signal while executing the step command:

step ... -sig sig

The dbxenv variable step_events controls whether breakpoints are enabled during a step.

To step the given thread (step up does not apply):

step ... tid

To step the given LWP:

step ... lwpid

This will not implicitly resume all LWPs when skipping a function. When an explicit tid or lwpid is given, the deadlock avoidance measure of the generic step is defeated.

With multithreaded programs, when a function call is skipped over, all LWPs are implicitly resumed for the duration of that function call in order to avoid deadlock. Non-active threads cannot be stepped.


The debug command prints the name and arguments of the program being debugged.


To begin debugging a program with no process or core:

debug program

To begin debugging a program with corefile core:

debug -c core program
debug program core

To begin debugging a program with process ID pid:

debug -p pid program
debug program pid

To force the loading of a corefile; even if it doesn't match:

debug -f ...

To retain all display, trace, when, and stop commands. If no -r option is given, an implicit delete all and undelete() is performed.

debug -r

To start debugging a program even if the program name begins with a dash:

debug [options] -- program


The detach command detaches dbx from the target, and cancels any pending signals:


To detach while forwarding the given signal:

detach -sig sig