Debugging a Program With dbx

Moving Up and Down the Stack

You can examine the local variables in functions other than the current one. To move up the call stack (toward main) number levels:

up [-h] number

To move down the call stack (toward the current stopping point) number levels:

down [-h] number

Moving to a Specific Frame

The frame command is similar to the up and down commands. It allows you to go directly to the frame as given by numbers printed by the where command.

frame -h
frame [-h] number
frame [-h] +number
frame [-h] -number

The frame command without an argument prints the current frame number. With number, the command allows you to go directly to the frame indicated by the number. By including a + (plus sign) or - (minus sign), the command allows you to move an increment of one level up (+) or down (-). If you include a plus or minus sign with a number, you can move up or down the specified number of levels. The --h option includes any hidden frames in the count.