Debugging a Program With dbx

Working With Arrays

dbx recognizes arrays and can print them:

demo% dbx a.out
Reading symbolic information... 
(dbx) list 1,25
    1           DIMENSION IARR(4,4) 
    2           DO 90 I = 1,4 
    3                   DO 20 J = 1,4 
    4                           IARR(I,J) = (I*10) + J 
    5   20              CONTINUE 
    6   90      CONTINUE 
    7           END
(dbx)  stop at 7
(1) stop at "Arraysdbx.f":7
(dbx) run
Running: a.out 

stopped in MAIN at line 7 in file "Arraysdbx.f" 
    7           END 
(dbx) print IARR
iarr =
	(1,1) 11 
	(2,1) 21 
	(3,1) 31 
	(4,1) 41 
	(1,2) 12 
	(2,2) 22 
	(3,2) 32 
	(4,2) 42 
	(1,3) 13 
	(2,3) 23 
	(3,3) 33 
	(4,3) 43 
	(1,4) 14 
	(2,4) 24 
	(3,4) 34 
	(4,4) 44 
(dbx) print IARR(2,3)
	iarr(2, 3) = 23  - Order of user-specified subscripts ok   
(dbx) quit

Fortran 90 Allocatable Arrays

The following example shows how to work with allocated arrays in dbx.

  demo% f90 -g Alloc.f90
  demo% dbx a.out
  (dbx) list 1,99
      1   PROGRAM TestAllocate
      2   INTEGER n, status 
      3   INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: buffer(:)
      4           PRINT *, 'Size?'
      5           READ *, n
      6           ALLOCATE( buffer(n), STAT=status )
      7           IF ( status /= 0 ) STOP 'cannot allocate buffer'
      8           buffer(n) = n
      9           PRINT *, buffer(n)
     10           DEALLOCATE( buffer, STAT=status)
     11   END

Unknown size at line 6

Known size at line 9

buffer(1000) holds 1000
 (dbx) stop at 6
 (2) stop at "alloc.f90":6
 (dbx) stop at 9
 (3) stop at "alloc.f90":9
 (dbx) run
 Running: a.out 
 (process id 10749)
 stopped in main at line 6 in file "alloc.f90"
     6           ALLOCATE( buffer(n), STAT=status )
 (dbx) whatis buffer
 integer*4 , allocatable::buffer(:) 
 (dbx) next
 stopped in main at line 7 in file "alloc.f90"
     7           IF ( status /= 0 ) STOP 'cannot allocate buffer'
 (dbx) whatis buffer
 integer*4 buffer(1:1000) 
 (dbx) cont
 stopped in main at line 9 in file "alloc.f90"
     9           PRINT *, buffer(n)
 (dbx) print n
 n = 1000
 (dbx) print buffer(n)
 buffer(n) = 1000


Unknown size at line 6

Known size at line 9

buffer(1000) holds 1000
 (dbx) stop at 6
 (2) stop at "alloc.f90":6
 (dbx) stop at 9
 (3) stop at "alloc.f90":9
 (dbx) run
 Running: a.out 
 (process id 10749)
 stopped in main at line 6 in file "alloc.f90"
     6           ALLOCATE( buffer(n), STAT=status )
 (dbx) whatis buffer
 integer*4 , allocatable::buffer(:) 
 (dbx) next
 stopped in main at line 7 in file "alloc.f90"
     7           IF ( status /= 0 ) STOP 'cannot allocate buffer'
 (dbx) whatis buffer
 integer*4 buffer(1:1000) 
 (dbx) cont
 stopped in main at line 9 in file "alloc.f90"
     9           PRINT *, buffer(n)
 (dbx) print n     
 n = 1000
 (dbx) print buffer(n)
 buffer(n) = 1000

Slicing Arrays

The syntax for Fortran array-slicing:

print arr-exp(first-exp

Table 17-1 Variables for Array Slicing





Expression that should evaluate to an array type 



First element in range, also first element printed 

Lower bound 


Last element in range, but may not be last element printed if stride is greater than 1 

Upper bound 



To specify rows and columns:

demo% f77 -g -silent ShoSli.f 
demo% dbx a.out 
Reading symbolic information for a.out
(dbx) list 1,12
	1 		INTEGER*4 a(3,4), col, row 
	2 		DO row = 1,3 
	3 			DO col = 1,4 
	4 			  a(row,col) = (row*10) + col 
	5 			END DO
	6 		END DO
	7 		DO row = 1, 3
	8   			 WRITE(*,'(4I3)') (a(row,col),col=1,4)
	9		END DO
	10		END
(dbx) stop at 7 
(1) stop at "ShoSli.f":7 
(dbx) run 
Running: a.out 
stopped in MAIN at line 7 in file "ShoSli.f" 
	7 		 DO row = 1, 3

Print row 3:

(dbx) print a(3:3,1:4)
'ShoSli'MAIN'a(3:3, 1:4) =
        (3,1)   31
        (3,2)   32
        (3,3)   33
        (3,4)   34

Print column 4:

(dbx) print a(1:3,4:4)
'ShoSli'MAIN'a(3:3, 1:4) =
        (1,4)   14
        (2,4)   24
        (3,4)   34