Debugging a Program With dbx

Understanding the Memory Leak Report

With leak checking turned on, you get an automatic leak report when the program exits. All possible leaks are reported--provided the program has not been killed using the kill command. By default, a non-verbose leak report is generated, which is controlled by the dbxenv variable rtc_mel_at_exit.

Reports are sorted according to the combined size of the leaks. Actual memory leaks are reported first, followed by possible leaks. The verbose report contains detailed stack trace information, including line numbers and source files whenever they are available.

Both reports include the following information for memory leak errors:


Location where leaked block was allocated 


Address of leaked block 


Size of leaked block 


Call stack at time of allocation, as constrained by check -frames

The non-verbose report capsulizes the error information into a table, while the verbose report gives you a separate error message for each error. They both contain a hypertext link to the location of the error in the source code.

Here is the corresponding non-verbose memory leak report:

Actual leaks report    (actual leaks:    3 total size:    2427 bytes)

 Total  Num of  Leaked      Allocation call stack
 Size   Blocks  Block
======  ====== ==========  =======================================
  1852       2      -      true_leak < true_leak 
   575       1    0x22150  true_leak < main 

Possible leaks report  (possible leaks:  1  total size:       8 bytes)

 Total  Num of  Leaked      Allocation call stack
 Size   Blocks  Block
======  ====== ==========  =======================================
     8       1    0x219b0  in_block < main 

Following is a typical verbose leak report:

Actual leaks report    (actual leaks:         3  total size:    2427 bytes)

Memory Leak (mel):
Found 2 leaked blocks with total size 1852 bytes
At time of each allocation, the call stack was:
	[1] true_leak() at line 220 in "leaks.c"
	[2] true_leak() at line 224 in "leaks.c"

Memory Leak (mel):
Found leaked block of size 575 bytes at address 0x22150
At time of allocation, the call stack was:
	[1] true_leak() at line 220 in "leaks.c"
	[2] main() at line 87 in "leaks.c"

Possible leaks report  (possible leaks:       1  total size:       8 bytes)

Possible memory leak -- address in block (aib):
Found leaked block of size 8 bytes at address 0x219b0
At time of allocation, the call stack was:
	[1] in_block() at line 177 in "leaks.c"
	[2] main() at line 100 in "leaks.c"

Generating a Leak Report

You can ask for a leak report at any time using the showleaks command, which reports new memory leaks since the last showleaks command.

Combining Leaks

Because the number of individual leaks can be very large, RTC automatically combines leaks allocated at the same place into a single combined leak report. The decision to combine leaks, or report them individually, is controlled by the number-of-frames-to-match parameter specified by the -match m option on a check -leaks or the -m option of the showleaks command. If the call stack at the time of allocation for two or more leaks matches to m frames to the exact program counter level, these leaks are reported in a single combined leak report.

Consider the following three call sequences:

Block 1 

Block 2 

Block 3 

[1] malloc

[1] malloc

[1] malloc

[2] d() at 0x20000

[2] d() at 0x20000

[2] d() at 0x20000

[3] c() at 0x30000

[3] c() at 0x30000

[3] c() at 0x31000

[4] b() at 0x40000

[4] b() at 0x41000

[4] b() at 0x40000

[5] a() at 0x50000

[5] a() at 0x50000

[5] a() at 0x50000

If all of these blocks lead to memory leaks, the value of m determines whether the leaks are reported as separate leaks or as one repeated leak. If m is 2, Blocks 1 and 2 are reported as one repeated leak because the 2 stack frames above malloc() are common to both call sequences. Block 3 will be reported as a separate leak because the trace for c() does not match the other blocks. For m greater than 2, RTC reports all leaks as separate leaks. (The malloc is not shown on the leak report.)

In general, the smaller the value of m, the fewer individual leak reports and the more combined leak reports are generated. The greater the value of m, the fewer combined leak reports and the more individual leak reports are generated.