Debugging a Program With dbx

Options Passed to ild from the Compilation System

The following options are accepted by ild, but you must use the form:

-Wl,arg,arg (for cc), or -Qoption ld arg,arg (for others),

to pass them to ild via the compilation system


In static mode only, produces an executable object file; gives errors for undefined references. This is the default behavior for static mode. Option -a cannot be used with the -r option.


Produces a memory map or listing of the input/output sections on the standard output.


Turn off the warning about symbols that are defined more than once and that are not the same size.

-e epsym

Sets the entry point address for the output file to be that of the symbol epsym.

-I name

When building an executable, uses name as the path name of the interpreter to be written into the program header. The default in static mode is no interpreter; in dynamic mode, the default is the name of the runtime linker, /usr/lib/ Either case can be overridden by -I name. The exec system call loads this interpreter when it loads the a.out and passes control to the interpreter rather than to the a.out directly.

-u symname

Enters symname as an undefined symbol in the symbol table. This is useful for loading entirely from an archive library because, initially, the symbol table is empty and an unresolved reference is needed to force the loading of the first routine. The placement of this option on the command line is significant; it must be placed before the library that defines the symbol.