Debugging a Program With dbx

Other Event Specifications

The following are event specificatons, syntax, and descriptions for other types of events.


dbx has successfully attached to a process.


The debugee has been detached from.


The process being debugged is about to expire. There are only three reasons this can happen:


Fired when dbx is no longer associated with a debugged process. The predefined variable $reason will be signal, exit, kill, or detach.


Fired when a new program has been loaded as a result of follow exec.

Note -

Handlers for this event are always permanent.


The process has stopped. Whenever the process stops such that the user gets a prompt, particularly in response to a stop handler, this event occurs. For example, the following are equivalent:

display x
when stop {print x;}


The process being debugged has just been executed with exec(). All memory specified in a.out is valid and present but pre-loaded shared libraries have not been loaded yet. For example, printf, although known to dbx, has not been mapped into memory yet.

A stop on this event is ineffective; however, you can use this event with the when command.


This event occurs after a sync (or attach if the process being debugged has not yet processed shared libraries). It executes after the dynamic linker startup code has executed and the symbol tables of all preloaded shared libraries have been loaded, but before any code in the .init section has run.

A stop on this event is ineffective; however, you can use this event with the when command.


This event occurs whenever any exception that is not unhandled or unexpected is thrown by the application.

throw type

If an exception type is specified, only exceptions of that type cause the throw event to occur.

throw -unhandled

-unhandled is a special exception type signifying an exception that is thrown but for which there is no handler.

throw -unexpected

-unexpected is a special exception type signifying an exception that does not satisfy the exception specification of the function that throw it.

timer seconds

Occurs when the debugee has been running for seconds. The timer used with this is shared with collector command. The resolution is in milliseconds, so a floating point value for seconds is acceptable.