Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 Upgrading Previous Versions of SyMON and Sun Management Center on the Solaris Platform

This chapter describes how to upgrade Solstice SyMON 1.x, Sun Enterprise SyMON 2.x, Sun Management Center 2.x, and Sun Management Center 3.0 software to Sun Management Center 3.5 on a single machine.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Note –

If you do not want to migrate your SyMON or Sun Management Center data, you must uninstall the existing SyMON or Sun Management Center software before you can install Sun Management Center 3.5. To uninstall existing SyMON or Sun Management Center software without saving your data, see Appendix A, Uninstalling SyMON and Sun Management Center

Upgrade Considerations

When upgrading from any version of Sun Enterprise SyMON software, or upgrading from any version of Sun Management Center software, the server and console layers must be upgraded first.

As shown in Table 2–1, Sun Management Center 3.5 servers and consoles support previous versions of Sun Management Center agents and Sun Enterprise SyMON 2.0.1 agents. Consequently, Sun Management Center agents can be upgraded when time or circumstances permit.

All Sun Management Center software components should be upgraded to version 3.5 to take advantage of the improved monitoring and management capabilities provided by Sun Management Center 3.5.

Note –

When upgrading, make sure you use the same port number for the agent as you used in the previous installation. This advice is applicable to both an agent upgrade and a server upgrade.

Upgrading from Solstice SyMON 1.x and Sun Enterprise SyMON 2.x Software

If you are upgrading from Sun Enterprise SyMON 1.x or Sun Enterprise SyMON 2.x, you must first upgrade to Sun Management Center 2.1 or Sun Management Center 2.1.1 before you can upgrade to Sun Management Center 3.5. For upgrade procedures, see Upgrading from Sun Enterprise SyMON 2.x to Sun Management Center 2.1 Software in the Sun Management Center 2.1 Software User's Guide.

Caution – Caution –

If you have modified SyMON 1.x or 2.x rules, back up the rules before you install Sun Management Center 3.5. The 3.5 installation and setup process could overwrite your SyMON 1.x or 2.x files. Depending on where you modified your event rules, back up the /etc/opt/SUNWsymon directory, the /opt/SUNWsymon/etc directory, or both directories.

When you have completed the upgrade to Sun Management Center 2.1 or Sun Management Center 2.1.1, follow the procedures in Upgrading From Sun Management Center 2.1 or 2.1.1 to upgrade to Sun Management Center 3.5.

The coexistence of the Solstice SyMON 1.x or Sun Enterprise SyMON 2.x software with Sun Management Center 3.5 software is not supported on the same server. In addition, you may have Sun Management Center sessions running on different servers or server contexts. For more information on server context, see “Sun Management Center Architecture” in Sun Management Center 3.5 User's Guide.

Upgrading From Sun Management Center 2.1 or 2.1.1

If you want to migrate your Sun Management Center 2.x server data and use it with Sun Management Center 3.5, use the migration utility as described below.

If you do not want to migrate your Sun Management Center 2.x server data, you must uninstall Sun Management Center 2.x before you can install Sun Management Center 3.5. To uninstall Sun Management Center 2.x, follow the procedures in Uninstalling Sun Management Center 2.x.

Note –

If you want to migrate or upgrade your Sun Management Center 2.x agent to Sun Management Center 3.5, you do not need to run the migration utility. For agent upgrade procedures, see Creating Agent Installation and Update Images and Applying Agent Installation, Update, and Patch-Only Images.

To Upgrade From a Sun Management Center 2.x Server
  1. Log in as root on the machine where the Sun Management Center 2.x server is installed.

  2. Prepare the system for Sun Management Center 3.5 as described in Chapter 4, Preparing Systems for Sun Management Center Upgrade and Installation.

  3. Download the tar file sunmc_2x_server_upgrade.tar from

    1. Uncompress the tar file:

      # tar xvf sunmc_2x_server_upgrade.tar
    2. Read and follow the migration instructions in the file sunmc_2x_server_upgrade_README.txt.

      The migration utility saves your Sun Management Center 2.x data in the directory /var/opt/SUNWsymon/2x.

  4. Uninstall the Sun Management Center 2.x software.

    Type the command /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-uninst and press Return.

    Caution – Caution –

    Do not delete the Sun Management Center 2.x directories. The Sun Management Center 2.x uninstall process removes the Sun Management Center 2.x software, but does not remove the Sun Management Center 2.x data.

  5. Upgrade the Solaris operating environment if necessary.

    If you are upgrading the Sun Management Center 2.x server, the machine must be running either the Solaris version 8 or Solaris version 9 developer environment. For additional information, see Prerequisite Packages

    Caution – Caution –

    If you need to upgrade to Solaris version 8 or Solaris version 9, make sure you perform a Solaris upgrade. A fresh Solaris installation reformats the hard drive, which deletes your Sun Management Center 2.x configuration data. If you perform a fresh Solaris installation, you will not be able to migrate your Sun Management Center 2.x configuration data to Sun Management Center 3.5.

    1. Back up the /var/opt/SUNWsymon/2x directory and subdirectories to a different machine or backup device.

    2. Upgrade the Solaris operating environment.

      Refer to your Solaris documentation for procedures.

    3. If necessary, restore the /var/opt/SUNWsymon/2x directory and subdirectories to the machine.

  6. Install Sun Management Center 3.5.

    Use either the Sun Management Center 3.5 graphical user interface command es-guiinst or the command-line script es-inst to install Sun Management Center 3.5.

    You will be notified that the exported Sun Management Center 2.x data has been detected, and that the data will be migrated to the new release.

Upgrading From Sun Management Center 3.0

As described in the following sections, Sun Management Center 3.5 provides several methods for upgrading the Sun Management Center 3.0 server and agent.

Upgrading the Server

You can upgrade the Sun Management Center 3.0 server to the Sun Management Center 3.5 using any of the following methods.

The Sun Management Center 3.5 installation process detects the existing 3.0 installation and runs the Sun Management Center 3.0 es-uninst command-line script. The Sun Management Center es-uninst script gives you the option to save your Sun Management Center 3.0 data.

After you have installed Sun Management Center 3.5, if you saved your Sun Management Center 3.0 data the Sun Management Center 3.5 setup process detects the saved Sun Management Center 3.0 data and gives you the option to migrate the data to Sun Management Center 3.5.

To Upgrade From Sun Management Center 3.0

Note –

This procedure assumes that you installed Sun Management Center server in the default directory /opt. If you installed Sun Management Center in a different directory, substitute /opt with the name of the directory you specified in To Install Sun Management Center 3.5 on the Solaris Platform, Step 8.

  1. Log in as root on the machine where the Sun Management Center 3.0 server is installed.

  2. Stop Sun Management Center processes.

    Type the command es-stop -A. Wait until all Sun Management Center processes have been stopped.

  3. Prepare the system for Sun Management Center 3.5 as described in Chapter 4, Preparing Systems for Sun Management Center Upgrade and Installation.

  4. Upgrade the Solaris operating environment if necessary.

    If you are upgrading the Sun Management Center 3.0 server, the machine must be running either the Solaris version 8 or Solaris version 9 developer environment. For additional information, see Prerequisite Packages

    Caution – Caution –

    If you need to upgrade to Solaris version 8 or Solaris version 9, make sure you perform a Solaris upgrade. A fresh Solaris installation reformats the hard drive, which deletes your Sun Management Center 3.0 configuration data. If you perform a fresh Solaris installation, you will not be able to migrate your Sun Management Center 3.0 configuration data to Sun Management Center 3.5.

    1. Back up all Sun Management Center 3.0 directories.

      Tip –

      Use ufsdump to back up the Sun Management Center 3.0 directories to a different machine or backup device. usfdump preserves symbolic links.

      Sun Management Center 3.0 software is installed by default in /opt/SUNWsymon, /var/opt/SUNWsymon, and /etc/opt/SUNWsymon directories.

      • If Sun Management Center 3.0 software has been installed to non-default locations, examine the Sun Management Center 3.0 installation logs in /var/opt/SUNWsymon/install to determine where Sun Management Center 3.0 software has been installed.

      • If /var/opt/SUNWsymon/install does not contain the installation logs, or if /var/opt/SUNWsymon does not exist, you must determine where the Sun Management Center 3.0 software has been installed.

        Sun Management Center software is installed as install-path/SUNWsymon, where install-path is the parent directory hierarchy.

        For example, the Sun Management Center 3.0 core software could be installed in /export/applications/SUNWsymon. In this example, /export/applications is the install-path.

      To determine where the Sun Management Center 3.0 software has been installed, search for all SUNWsymon directories on the system as follows:

      1. Type the command pkgparam SUNWescom BASEDIR to determine the Sun Management Center 3.0 base directory. For example:

        # pkgparam SUNWescom BASEDIR
      2. Type the command find / -name "SUNWsymon" -print to locate the Sun Management Center configuration directories.

    2. Upgrade the Solaris operating environment.

      Refer to your Solaris documentation for procedures.

    3. If necessary, restore the Sun Management Center 3.0 directories to the machine.

  5. Upgrade the Sun Management Center 3.0 server to Sun Management Center 3.5 using any one of the following methods.

Upgrading Agents

You can upgrade the Sun Management Center 3.0 agent to the Sun Management Center 3.5 agent using either of the following methods.