Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing Separately Released Add-on Products

Installing a separately released add-on product involves two steps:

Tip –

You can install several add-ons, and then set up all of the add-ons by using the es-guisetup command.

To Set Up an Add-on Product Using es-guisetup
  1. Log in as root on the Sun Management Center machine where the add-on is installed.

  2. Go to the Sun Management Center sbin directory, for example:

    # cd /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin

    If you installed Sun Management Center in a different directory than /opt, go to /installdir/SUNWsymon/sbin, where installdir is the directory that you specified in Step 8 in the procedure To Install Sun Management Center 3.5 on the Solaris Platform.

  3. Run the es-guisetup script:

    # ./es-guisetup

    The Welcome screen appears.

  4. Click Next.

    The Advanced Setup Options screen appears.

  5. Select Configure Add-ons and click Next.

    The Sun Management Center Core Product Setup Complete screen appears.

  6. Click Next.

    • If no add-ons have been set up, the add-ons are listed. You are informed that the listed add-ons will be set up. Click Next to start the setup process for the listed add-ons.

    • If one or more add-ons have already been set up, those add-ons are listed. A list of add-ons that have not been set up is also displayed.

      Select the add-on or add-ons that you want to set up, then click Next.

      The setup screens for each selected add-on are presented in sequence. The Sun Management Center setup process prompts you for any information required by each selected add-on. Provide the requested information as needed. Refer to the add-on documentation for additional information for each add-on product that you selected.

      If an add-on product setup failed, you are informed that the setup of the add-on product was not successful. You are then directed to see the log file for more details. The name of the log file is provided.

      When the add-on setup process is complete, a list of the add-on components you installed and set up is displayed. You are prompted to click Next to start Sun Management Center, or to click Close to exit the setup process and start Sun Management Center later.

To Set Up an Add-on Product Using es-setup
  1. Log in as root on the Sun Management Center machine where the add-on is installed.

  2. Go to the Sun Management Center sbin directory, for example:

    # cd /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin

    If you installed Sun Management Center in a different directory than /opt, go to /installdir/SUNWsymon/sbin, where installdir is the directory that you specified in Step 8 in the procedure To Install Sun Management Center 3.5 on the Solaris Platform.

  3. Determine the directory name of the add-on.

    List the contents of the installdir/SUNWsymon/addons directory, for example:

    # ls -p /opt/SUNWsymon/addons
    AdvancedMonitoring/    PRM/              SystemManagement/          storage/
    EServices/             SunfireSun4dConfigReader/                        wgs/

  4. Set up the add-on by typing es-setup -p add-on-name, where add-on-name is the directory name for the add-on. For example:

    # ./es-setup -p SunfireSun4dConfigReader

    The setup process is started for the specified add-on. When the add-on setup completes, you are asked whether you want to start the Sun Management Center agent and server processes.

    • Type y to start the Sun Management Center agent and server.

    • Type n to exit without starting the Sun Management Center agent and server.