Sun Management Center 3.5 System Reliability Manager User's Guide

Installing the System Reliability Manager Software

You can install the System Reliability Manager add-on software using either the installation wizard or the command line. This section discusses how to install the software using the installation wizard. For information about installing using the command line, see Appendix A, Installing System Reliability Manager Using the Command Line .

The System Reliability Manager software can be installed at the same time that you install the Sun Management Center 3.5 software. Installation can also be done after Sun Management Center 3.5 is already installed. Installation of the System Reliability Manager 3.5 software follows the standard Sun Management Center 3.5 add-on software installation procedures.

System Reliability Manager must be installed on the server and agent layers of Sun Management Center 3.5.

The installation wizard installs the correct System Reliability Manager packages on the correct Sun Management Center layers.

To Install System Reliability Manager With a Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation
  1. For more information and detailed steps, see Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.

To Install System Reliability Manager Individually

Note –

Perform this procedure only after the Sun Management Center 3.5 software has been installed.

  1. As superuser (su -), launch the Sun Management Center 3.5 installation wizard by typing:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-guiinst

    where /opt is the directory in which Sun Management Center 3.5 is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

    The Sun Management Center 3.5 installation wizard appears.

  2. Provide the source directory of the System Reliability Manager files when prompted.

    • If installing from the software CD-ROM and the path is not provided, type:

      # /cdrom/sunmanagementcenter_3_5/image
    • If installing from a directory to which the software has been copied, type:

      # disk1/image

      where disk1 is the corresponding name of the location where the software was copied. You can also use the Browse button to locate the directory.

  3. If installing the server layer, select the languages from the Select Language Support panel and click Next.

    The Checking for Available Products panel appears. When the progress bar is finished, the Products Already Installed panel appears.

  4. Review the list of products already installed and click Next.

    The Select Add-on Products panel appears.

  5. Select System Reliability Manager from the list of add-on software to be installed, and click Next.

    The Add-on Products License Agreement panel appears.

  6. Read the license agreement. You must click the I Agree button to proceed with installation and then click Next.

    The Confirmation Panel appears.

  7. Review the Confirmation Panel and click Next.

    The Installation Complete panel is displayed when the software installation is complete.

Once installation of the System Reliability Manager software is complete, the setup wizard guides you through the setup process for the software. For more information, see Setting Up the System Reliability Manager Software.