Sun Management Center 3.5 System Reliability Manager User's Guide

Setting Up the System Reliability Manager Software

After installation is complete, you must run the System Reliability Manager setup script to configure the server and agent layers.

To Set Up System Reliability Manager

Note –

This procedure assumes that you chose not to set up System Reliability Manager at the end of the installation process.

  1. Run the Sun Management Center 3.5 setup script as superuser (su -). Choose one of the following options:

    • To run the setup process on all components that are not yet set up, type:

      # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-setup
    • To run the setup process on the System Reliability Manager add-on software only, type:

      # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-setup -p SystemManagement

    where /opt is the directory in which Sun Management Center 3.5 is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

    The setup process is started for the System Reliability Manager software.

    The following is an example of the output from setup on a machine where both the server and the agent layers are installed:

    Setup for System Reliability Manager - Server Layer 
    Creating new group: esscrusers
    Setup for System Reliability Manager - Agent Layer
    System Reliability Manager Setup complete
    • On the server layer, Sun Management Center creates a new group, esscrusers. This group is later used by the Script Launcher module.

    • On the agent layer, the setup script performs a clean-up of the following directory and regenerates the files needed by the modules:
