Sun Management Center - Tivoli TEC Adapter Installation Guide

Creating an Administrator

Before you install the Tivoli Integration package, you must create an administrator. The admin role is used for log in purposes when you use the $tec_console & command. This role is also used to view events from Sun Management Center.

To Create an Administrator
  1. Start the Sun Management Center processes by typing the following command as superuser:

    # cd /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/
    # ./es-start -A
  2. Start the Tivoli desktop.

    # setenv DISPLAY ${hostname}:0.0
    # . /etc/Tivoli/
    # tivoli &
  3. Select the Administrators icon. Choose the Create menu in the window that is displayed; select Create Administrator.

  4. Enter the appropriate information in the Administrator Name, User Login Name, and Group Name fields.

  5. Select the Set TMR Roles property.

    The Set TMR Roles window is displayed.

  6. Select admin, senior, and super from the Available Roles window. Click the left arrow to move these roles to the Current Roles window. Click Set or Set & Close to validate the settings.

  7. In the Create Administrator window, select Set Logins.

    The Set Login Names window is displayed.

  8. Type the login name and press Return.

    The login name will be displayed in the Current Login Names window. You can also select the Remove button to remove the login names that are displayed.

  9. Select the Set or Set & Close button to validate the Current Login Names.

  10. In the Create Administrator window, select the Set Resource Rules and Set Notice Groups buttons to set corresponding parameters.

    For more information on creating an administrator with admin, senior, and super TMR roles, refer to Tivoli Framework User's Guide.